before fix:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ -l
ATTENTION: You are running a reporting function. This doesn't make any changes to your environment.
You can find the report and logs here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T11:11:50 INFO main: You are reporting on problems found across the SSO domain in the lookup service. This doesn't make changes.
2020-12-02T11:11:51 INFO live_checkCerts: Checking services for trust mismatches...
2020-12-02T11:11:51 INFO generateReport: Listing lookup service problems found in SSO domain
2020-12-02T11:11:51 ERROR generateReport: default-first-site\vcenter.masked.domain (VC 7.0 or CGW) found Port 7444 Found: Please run python --stalefix option on this node.
2020-12-02T11:11:51 ERROR generateReport: default-first-site\vcenter.masked.domain (VC 7.0 or CGW) found SSL Trust Mismatch: Please run python --trustfix option on this node.
2020-12-02T11:11:51 INFO generateReport: No issues detected in the lookup service entries for ##NO_HOSTNAME##.
2020-12-02T11:11:51 INFO generateReport: Report generated: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor/vcenter.masked.domain-2020-12-02-111150.json
First fix - stalefix:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ --stalefix
WARNING: This script makes permanent changes. Before running, please take *OFFLINE* snapshots
of all VC's and PSC's at the SAME TIME. Failure to do so can result in PSC or VC inconsistencies.
Logs can be found here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T11:12:36 INFO main: You are running a check on this node for stale 5.x data. NOTE: Please run this script on all VC's or PSC's in the SSO domain to be thorough.
Have you taken offline (PSCs and VCs powered down at the same time) snapshots of all nodes in the SSO domain or supported backups?[y/n]y
Provide password for administrator@vsphere.local:
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO __init__: Retrieved services for machine with hostname: vcenter.masked.domain
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkStale: Checking for logbrowser or 5.x vsphere client services...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 WARNING checkStale: PROBLEM FOUND: logbrowser service found. Attempting to unregister...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkStale: Success!
2020-12-02T11:12:57 WARNING checkStale: PROBLEM FOUND: stale 5.x webclient service found. Attempting to unregister...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkStale: Success!
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkStale: PASSED: 5.x vcenter service not found.
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO backup_machine: Exporting MACHINE_SSL_CERT cert and key
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkLegacy: Checking for STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO backup_machine: Exporting MACHINE_SSL_CERT cert and key
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO check_sts_internal: Checking for STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO backup_sts_internal: Backing up STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkLegacy: PROBLEM FOUND: STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT found!
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO replace_sts_internal: Replacing STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT with MACHINE_SSL_CERT
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO replace_sts_internal: Successfully replaced STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkLegacy: Checking for 7444 in legacy services...
2020-12-02T11:12:57 WARNING checkLegacy: PROBLEM FOUND: Found port 7444 in service registration URL! https://vcenter.masked.domain:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local
2020-12-02T11:12:57 WARNING checkLegacy: PROBLEM FOUND: Found port 7444 in service registration URL! https://vcenter.masked.domain:7444/sts/STSService/vsphere.local
2020-12-02T11:12:57 WARNING checkLegacy: PROBLEM FOUND: Found port 7444 in service registration URL! https://vcenter.masked.domain:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local
2020-12-02T11:12:57 INFO checkLegacy: Recreating legacy SSO service registrations...
2020-12-02T11:12:59 INFO checkLegacy: Successfully recreated legacy SSO endpoints.
2020-12-02T11:12:59 INFO main: Please restart services on all PSC's and VC's when you're done.
After stalefix:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ -l
ATTENTION: You are running a reporting function. This doesn't make any changes to your environment.
You can find the report and logs here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T11:22:17 INFO main: You are reporting on problems found across the SSO domain in the lookup service. This doesn't make changes.
2020-12-02T11:22:17 INFO live_checkCerts: Checking services for trust mismatches...
2020-12-02T11:22:17 INFO generateReport: Listing lookup service problems found in SSO domain
2020-12-02T11:22:17 ERROR generateReport: default-first-site\vcenter.masked.domain (VC 7.0 or CGW) found SSL Trust Mismatch: Please run python --trustfix option on this node.
2020-12-02T11:22:17 INFO generateReport: No issues detected in the lookup service entries for ##NO_HOSTNAME##.
2020-12-02T11:22:17 INFO generateReport: Report generated: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor/vcenter.masked.domain-2020-12-02-112217.json
Second fix - trustfix:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ --trustfix
WARNING: This script makes permanent changes. Before running, please take *OFFLINE* snapshots
of all VC's and PSC's at the SAME TIME. Failure to do so can result in PSC or VC inconsistencies.
Logs can be found here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T11:22:33 INFO main: You are checking for and fixing SSL trust mismatches in the local SSO site. NOTE: Please run this script one PSC or VC per SSO site.
Have you taken offline (PSCs and VCs powered down at the same time) snapshots of all nodes in the SSO domain or supported backups?[y/n]y
Provide password for administrator@vsphere.local:
2020-12-02T11:22:42 INFO __init__: Retrieved services from SSO site: Default-First-Site
2020-12-02T11:22:42 INFO findAndFix: Checking services for trust mismatches...
2020-12-02T11:22:42 INFO findAndFix: Attempting to reregister d51c3647-4896-4823-acb2-1d1cb3acb48 for vcenter.masked.domain
2020-12-02T11:22:43 INFO findAndFix: We found 1 mismatch(s) and fixed them
2020-12-02T11:22:43 INFO main: Please restart services on all PSC's and VC's when you're done.
After trustfix:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ -l
ATTENTION: You are running a reporting function. This doesn't make any changes to your environment.
You can find the report and logs here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T11:39:16 INFO main: You are reporting on problems found across the SSO domain in the lookup service. This doesn't make changes.
2020-12-02T11:39:17 INFO live_checkCerts: Checking services for trust mismatches...
2020-12-02T11:39:17 INFO generateReport: Listing lookup service problems found in SSO domain
2020-12-02T11:39:17 INFO generateReport: No issues detected in the lookup service entries for vcenter.masked.domain (VC 7.0 or CGW).
2020-12-02T11:39:17 INFO generateReport: No issues detected in the lookup service entries for ##NO_HOSTNAME##.
2020-12-02T11:39:17 INFO generateReport: Report generated: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor/vcenter.masked.domain-2020-12-02-113916.json
Problem with vCLS is not fixed.
Third fix - rebuild:
root@vcenter [ ~/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master ]# python ./ -r
WARNING: This script makes permanent changes. Before running, please take *OFFLINE* snapshots
of all VC's and PSC's at the SAME TIME. Failure to do so can result in PSC or VC inconsistencies.
Logs can be found here: /var/log/vmware/lsdoctor
2020-12-02T13:36:22 INFO main:
You have selected the Rebuild function. This is a potentially destructive operation!
All external solutions and 3rd party plugins that register with the lookup service will
have to be re-registered. For example: SRM, vSphere Replication, NSX Manager, etc.
Have you taken offline (PSCs and VCs powered down at the same time) snapshots of all nodes in the SSO domain or supported backups?[y/n]y
Provide password for administrator@vsphere.local:
2020-12-02T13:36:27 INFO __init__: Established LS connection to vcenter.masked.domain
Version Detected
Deployment type: embedded
Version: 17004997_7.0.1.00100_vcsa
0. Exit
1. Generate a template.
2. Replace all services with new services.
3. Replace individual service.
4. Restore services from backup file.
Please select an action: 2
No template found for 17004997_7.0.1.00100_vcsa. Proceeding to file select.
2020-12-02T13:36:33 INFO fileSelect: Getting files from /root/lsdoctor/lsdoctor-master/templates
Please select a file:
[0] 13010631_6.7.0.30000_vcsa.json
[80] 16749653_7.0.0.10700_vcsa.json
[96] 15808842_6.5.0.32300_vcsa.json
Select number:
You can see - in current version lsdoctor is missing template for build 17004997_7.0.1.00100_vcsa