Maybe my original request was unclear.
1. I know I can just right click on a vm and clone it.
2. I know I can also create a copy of the original vmdk files and put them elsewhere with a new name if desired.
What I "want" to find a solution to is this:
I want to have a running vm POWERED ON, say, on a Monday.
I want to take a snapshot of the VM, say, on Tuesday.
I want to take another snapshot, say, on Wednesday.
I want to then continue to use and make changes to said VM, on Thursday - no new snapshot.
I want to THEN, while that VM is still powered on and running, use it Friday AM, make several changes, and then CLONE the existing, latest snapshot (from Wednesday), (which is a different state) and provide a new name for it.
This gives my developers the ability to actually have several different vm's that then they can also snapshot and revert if needed. If the process is repeated, you end up with perhaps vm1, vm2, vm3 all of similarity, but each may also have there own set of additional snapshots, should they be taken, in the future.
The key here, is to be able to CLONE a snapshot, while without powering off the original VM, and supply a NEW name to distinguish it separately.
This is the closest thing I've found to this, but have no knowledge of PowerCLI