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  • 1.  Clarification on KB 2151610??

    Posted Jun 28, 2019 06:29 PM

    Moving a vSAN cluster from one vCenter Server to another (2151610)

    In that KB article, down below step 6 is says:

    Note: For vSAN 6.6 only: Run command to ignore member update: esxcfg-advcfg -s 1 /VSAN/IgnoreClusterMemberListUpdates

    Can anybody tell me where am I supposed to run that command from? I have one 6.7 vcsa(embedded psc) that has all 12 of my hosts in 2 clusters (6 hosts per cluster, each cluster has it's own vSAN 6.6 datastore), and I've built a new 6.7 vcsa(embedded psc) that I want to move 6 of my hosts to for DR. I ssh into one or both of my VCSAs and run it from there? Or just on one? Or somewhere else (like each of the esxi hosts, or...???)?

    (I asked this in another thread, but thought I'd break it out here since it's a specific question.)


  • 2.  RE: Clarification on KB 2151610??
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 28, 2019 06:43 PM

    Nevermind; I just found the answer:

    ...applied to all ESXi hosts PRIOR to disconnecting from the original vCenter Server and adding them into the new vCenter Server...

    (Why couldn't I have found that article 2 weeks ago??) :-)