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  • 1.  Changing MTU value on vmnic

    Posted Oct 27, 2010 10:41 AM

    I am running esx 4.1 servers, and am in process of enabling jumbo frames for the esx servers. I know the value of mtu as to be changed from 1500 to 9000. I think i now the command to change the mtu value of the vswitch which is :

    esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch

    The problem is changing the mtu value of vmnic on this vswitch. I currently on this vswitch have a vmkernal port group called vmkernal1 which has an IP setting of Currently this has the value of mtu of 1500. But I need to change this to 9000. From reading other posts it says i have to recreate the vmkernel port group to change the mtu value. Is this correct one esx 4.1. So if i use the below command to change my existing vmnic's mtu value :

    esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n -m 9000 vmkernel1

    Would this work. Or do I need to recreate, which would mean i would need to delete my existing port group first.

    Can anyone advise, and exactly what command I need to run to change the vmnic mtu values, given the above parameters.

  • 2.  RE: Changing MTU value on vmnic

    Posted Oct 27, 2010 11:01 AM

    I could enable Jumbo Frames using the -m option on an existing VMkernel portgroup. I have a Test VMkernel portgroup created with IP and Netmask assigned and MTU 1500

    1. esxcfg-vmknic -l

    Interface Port Group/DVPort IP Family IP Address Netmask Broadcast MAC Address MTU TSO MSS Enabled Type

    vmk2 Test IPv4 10.112.XX.XX 255.XX.XX.0 10.112.XX.XXX 00:50:XX:XX:XX:XX 1500 65535 true STATIC

    I have changed the MTU size

    ~ # esxcfg-vmknic -m 9000 Test

    Notifying the DCUI of configuration change

    Interface Port Group/DVPort IP Family IP Address Netmask Broadcast MAC Address MTU TSO MSS Enabled Type

    vmk2 Test IPv4 10.112.XX.XX 255.XX.XX.0 10.112.XX.XXX 00:50:XX:XX:XX:XX 9000 65535 true STATIC

    Hope this helps :smileyhappy:

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