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  • 1.  Change snapshot default name?

    Posted Jun 23, 2021 06:08 PM

    Good morning, relatively new VMware admin here.

    When someone creates a snapshot of a VM in the vCenter GUI, they can specify a name for that snapshot.  If no name is specified, a default name is provided, which ends up looking like:

    VM Snapshot 6%252f21%252f2021, 10:22:22 AM

    My question is: Can this default name be modified somewhere in vCenter settings?  I'd like to at least modify the "/" date separator to be something that looks more readable in the end result.  Including some other variables, like the username of the snapshot initiator, would be a bonus.  I have searched for answers, but haven't come up with anything promising.

  • 2.  RE: Change snapshot default name?

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Jun 24, 2021 04:38 PM

    Hi  ,
    Currently changing the default snapshot name is not possible , but maybe in the future releases, there will be a fix where '/' would not look like '%252f'. This has been reported by another customer as well and currently the only workaround is to not use default snapshot names. Hopefully this clarifies things at your end 

    Thank you,

  • 3.  RE: Change snapshot default name?

    Posted Aug 23, 2022 03:11 PM

    , it is now 8/23/2022 and this is STILL an annoyance.  I have many people in our VMware environment and getting them trained to change the default name is very annoying because most do not follow it anyway.  This needs to be fixed.