This RPM creates a hardlink to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf in /usr ... all our installations have /usr in a separate partition (and I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones) so that fails ... I think a symlink would also work?
Installing: vmware-open-vm-tools-xorg-utilities-8.3.2-292861.sles11sp1
Installation of vmware-open-vm-tools-xorg-utilities-8.3.2-292861.sles11sp1 failed:
ln: creating hard link `/usr/lib/vmware-tools/libconf/etc/fonts/fonts.conf' => `/etc/fonts/fonts.conf': Invalid cross-device link
error: %post(vmware-open-vm-tools-xorg-utilities-8.3.2-292861.sles11sp1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Abort, retry, ignore? (a): i
Can someone of the OSP-team comment on this?