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  • 1.  Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:20 PM


    Is there a way to change or remove a saved or pre saved sysprep configuration i virtualcenter,

    the sysprep template im talking about is in the Deploy Template Wizard -> Guest Customization

    under the "customize using an existing customization specification".

    // Leif

  • 2.  RE: Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:23 PM

    In the VIC, Edit -> Customization specifications. That will show you all of your template customization settings. You can create new, import, or right click and edit / delete

    Hope that helps

  • 3.  RE: Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:27 PM

    no no not that, you can save a preconfigure sysprep configuration that you can use when you deploy a template.

  • 4.  RE: Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:29 PM

    That's where our preconfigured sysprep files are at. When you go through the deploy template wizard, you select use exhisting customization settings and it loads all the sysprep information from that file in there. You can also load a premade sysprep configuration, and there is a checkbox at the bottom if you want to load it but make changes to it. Or if you choose to customize the template, you have the option to save it at the end. At least that works for me

  • 5.  RE: Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:30 PM

    Sorry you where right, was in the wrong tab, thanks..

  • 6.  RE: Change or remove sysprep templates in VirtualCenter

    Posted Jan 11, 2008 07:31 PM

    I don't have my VC open, but check under Documents & Settings\All Users\ in there somewhere is the VMware folder and sysprep files. Perhaps they are in there. They use to be just XML files.