i have an issue with my certificates. Specialy with one of them.
We are using vCenter 6.5 appliance. It was updated from 5.5 to 6 and 6.5.
I uses own certificates since 5.5.
It all beguns while i try to add the vcenter server to my skyline appliance. I receive the error message
"Couldn't create collection task to test endpoint. -> java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't login the client. -> Couldn't login the client. -> Received SSO error -> The SSL certificate of STS service cannot be verified"
So i try to take a closer look into that. I found, that in my STS Signing Certificates where old and expired certificates. So i first replace that with a new one described here.
Generate a New STS Signing Certificate on the Appliance
After that, i was able to remove the old chain from the sts-signing admin page on the vsphere-client site. (not hmtl5).
But the issue remains. Also i am not able to open the lookupservice page
It doesnt matter whcich account i use to login, it looks like the password is wrong. But it definitly is not wrong. The certificate on that site is ok.
If i try to open the older site
It is using an old certificate that i thought i have removed on the sts signing page. But i am not able to login either.
Also if i open the html5 certificate site on the webclient, there is an expired certificate.
What i have also done, but before, was to try to replace all certificates with the certificate-manager to default (8).
But that also did not help.
At the moment, i did not have an glue what to do next.
Any help is appreciated