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  • 1.  Centrally manage and replicate ISOs and Templates

    Posted Mar 01, 2016 03:31 PM

    I've been searching around, and can't really find anything that would fit my particular need, though it's something I thought would have been common.  We are in the process of consolidating a few geographically separate vCenter instances into one, and doing an upgrade to vSphere 6.  The end design will be one vCenter instance with multiple (about 10) datacenters.  The datacenters contain hosts that are in the same geographic location (i.e. we'll have one datacenter for city1, one for city2, etc.).  Is there a way, though a VMware technology or other (that works reliably) to centrally manage/update ISO files and templates?  We're interested in basically having changes made in one place (new files added, template updated, etc), then those changes copied down to the datacenters at the other locations.  Changes wouldn't be frequent, but we really don't want to have to do things manually if it can be avoided.  I have looked in vCenter Content Libraries, but from what I can tell, that only works vCenter instance to vCenter instance.  Is there anything else out there that anyone is using for this kind of function?

  • 2.  RE: Centrally manage and replicate ISOs and Templates

    Posted Mar 01, 2016 04:00 PM

    So, your best bet for replicating the templates is to use vSphere replication to replicate them prior to converting them to templates.

    ISOs you just are going to have to manually manage it or use like an SCP script.
