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  • 1.  Cant filter hashtable returned from function.

    Posted Feb 24, 2020 10:16 PM

    Hello Everyone,

    I have the below code and I'm getting data back from the function but unable to filter it by calling $Sessions.Name. Goal is to be able to filter between vcenter and other vami devices. Anyone see what I'm doing wrong with my code or know a better way to filter a list?

    function GetVAMISessionID


        $BaseAuthURL = "https://" + $ip + "/rest/com/vmware/cis/"

        $SessionURL = $BaseAuthURL + "session"

        $Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($User+':'+$Password))}

        $Type = "application/json"




            $SessionResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $SessionURL -Headers $Header -Method POST -ContentType $Type -SkipCertificateCheck





            $error[0] | Format-List -Force


        # Extracting the session ID from the response

        $SessionHeader = @{'vmware-api-session-id' = $SessionResponse.value}

        return $SessionHeader


    function APIAuth {

        [hashtable]$Sessions = @{}

        #VC1 API Call

    if($VC1IP -AND $VC1Username -AND $VC1Password) {

        $User = $VC1Username

        $Password = $VC1Password

        $IP = $VC1IP

        $Sessions.VC1Session = GetVAMISessionID $IP $User $Password




    #VC2 API Call

    if($VC2IP -AND $VC2Username -AND $VC2Password) {

        $User = $VC2Username

        $Password = $VC2Password

        $IP = $VC2IP

        $Sessions.VC2Session = GetVAMISessionID $IP $User $Password


    # PSC1 API Call

    if($PSC1IP -AND $PSC1Username -AND $PSC1Password ){

        $User = $PSC1Username

        $Password = $PSC1Password

        $IP = $PSC1IP

        $Sessions.PSC1Session = GetVAMISessionID $IP $User $Password


    # PSC2 API Call

    if($PSC2IP -AND $PSC2Username -AND $PSC2Password){

        $User = $PSC2Username

        $Password = $PSC2Password

        $IP = $PSC2IP

        $Sessions.PSC2Session = GetVAMISessionID $IP $User $Password


    write-host $Sessions.Name

        Return $Sessions


    $VC1IP = "xxxxxxxxxxx"

    $VC1Username = "administrator@vsphere.local"

    $VC1Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $VC2IP = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $VC2Username = "administrator@vsphere.local"

    $VC2Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $PSC1IP = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $PSC1Username = "root"

    $PSC1Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $PSC2IP = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $PSC2Username = "root"

    $PSC2Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    $Sessions = APIAuth $VC1IP $VC1Username $VC1Password $VC2IP $VC2Username $VC2Password $PSC1IP $PSC1Username $PSC1Password $PSC2IP $PSC2Username $PSC2Password

    The output from the above code is


    Name                           Value

    ----                           -----

    PSC1Session                    {vmware-api-session-id}

    VC1Session                     {vmware-api-session-id}

    PSC2Session                    {vmware-api-session-id}

    VC2Session                     {vmware-api-session-id}

  • 2.  RE: Cant filter hashtable returned from function.

    Posted Feb 24, 2020 10:34 PM

    You assign a hash table to the Value of the $sessions hash table.

    That means you will have to use double indexing to reach a specific value.

    See this simplified example

    function f2


        $t = @{

            Field1 = 'abc'


        return $t


    function f1


        [hashtable]$h = @{}

        $h.T1 = f2

        return $h


    $x = f1


    Notice how we use ['T1']['Field1'] to reach the value of the nested hash table entry.

  • 3.  RE: Cant filter hashtable returned from function.

    Posted Feb 25, 2020 01:06 AM

    Hi LucD,

    Understand your example you provided. I'm interested in the information in column "Name" on first hashtable.

    Wanting to filer it down with a where statement based on the "Name" column in first hashtable. This possible?

    $vcsa = $Sessions | Where { $Sessions.Name -like "VC"}


    Name                           Value

    ----                           -----

    PSC1Session                    {vmware-api-session-id}

    VC1Session                     {vmware-api-session-id}

    PSC2Session                    {vmware-api-session-id}

    VC2Session                     {vmware-api-session-id}

  • 4.  RE: Cant filter hashtable returned from function.

    Posted Feb 25, 2020 08:12 AM

    You have to include a meta character to handle the rest of the string.

    $vcsa = $Sessions | Where { $Sessions.Name -like "VC*"}

    Or else use the -match operator

    $vcsa = $Sessions | Where { $Sessions.Name -match "VC"}