Hi all :smileyhappy:
We are running ESXi 5.1.
When I try to clear an alarm I get this error:
How do I fix this?
Are you logged on to vCenter with an account that has Admin rights?
yep, logged on to the vcentre server as domain admin which has admin rights on the server
Just because you have admin rights on the server does not mean that you have admin rights within VMware. In vCenter, click Home --> Roles --> Then click "Administrator". Make sure the account that you are logged in showing under here.
yep, both the administrator and domain admins have perms
Take a look at this post... Permission to perform this operation was denied on folder
What might be happening is that the user that you are logged in with might be a member of a different AD group that has more restrictive permissions in vCenter.
I installed powercli and tried to view the permissions of the folder "datacenters" but I dont seem to have a folder called that which is weird as it is what is noted in the error
OK can you check - you can clear alarm from root id by logging into the vi client - just to check its not a permission issue or any other integration issues, also you can you try to restart management services of esxi host..
Joy Banerjee
seems you are not having correct permission on a ID - which you are logged in...
You need to have rights on the TOP of the vcenter.
You can create a Role with this privileges and create a new AD group to link with.
If you don't know where is the menu to create Roles
This way.