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Can not register VDP to vcenter

  • 1.  Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 16, 2012 07:54 AM


    i try to register the vdp to vcenter 5.1. I use the embedde SSO. The settings seems to be OK. But after the connection test, i get an error message box without text. If i change the settings to other values, i get a messages that my settings are incorrect. Have anyone a idea where here the problem is?

    Best regards


  • 2.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 16, 2012 05:26 PM

    I went through what appears to be the same issue.  The way I was able to proceed was to not use - but domainname\username. 

  • 3.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 16, 2012 06:36 PM

    I try it with domainname\username but the same error occurs. Do you use vcenter with SSO embedded on Linux? Which VDP Package do you use?

  • 4.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 16, 2012 09:30 PM

    No, I have a dedicated vCenter server and a dedicated SQL server for the VCDB and other databases (VUM and SSO).  When you mentioned 'embedded' I was thinking of the simple install.  The simple install isn't the best design, but is just that - simple.  In my lab everything is on one VM, and was as simple as pre-5.1.

    The vDP appliance I'm using is the 500 GB version.  Something else to note is that I needed to deploy the OVA from the web client. 

  • 5.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 19, 2012 02:25 PM


    i had the same issue.

    just try and deploy the appliance all over again.

    Also first try to create the dns entry in the dns server


  • 6.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 20, 2012 01:08 PM

    I have the same problem

    My environment is VC linux appliance standalone (without Windos domain)

    VC event log says

    User SYSTEM-DOMAIN\admin@ logged out (login time: , number of API invocations: , user agent: ) info 20.9.2012 13:04:33 SYSTEM-DOMAIN\admin

    User SYSTEM-DOMAIN\admin@ logged in as info 20.9.2012 13:04:33 SYSTEM-DOMAIN\admin

    User admin has assigned Administrator role on vCenter object.

    Message from VDP is

    Specified user either is not a dedicated VDP user or does not have sufficient vCenter privileges to administer VDP.  Please update your user role and try again.

  • 7.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 21, 2012 07:00 AM

    I tried to register VDP 5.1 to the vC 5.0 installed as services in Windos and registration also doesn't work .

    Probably are some "hidden" undocumented requirements.

  • 8.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Sep 21, 2012 06:16 PM


    You need vCenter 5.1 to use VDP:

    "VDP requires VMware vCenter Server 5.1 or higher." (From the documentation:

  • 9.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 03, 2013 04:57 PM

    The fix is to create a local user on the Windows server running vCenter, then grant admin permissions to it in vCenter (not Windows.)  See "user account configuration" on page 14 in the VDP 5.1 admin guide:

  • 10.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 16, 2013 08:44 PM

    This SSO bullsh1t just needs to go.  Everyone that I've talked to that has upgraded to 5.1 is still authenticating against AD.  No one gives a sh!t!!!!!  Just make it simple.  I cant stand it when people think its a good idea to re-invent the wheel.

  • 11.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Dec 11, 2012 09:09 AM

    there is a fix for some issues with VDP released in a KB last week

    this may help some of you although not relevant to the issues i have/

    Vmware have escalated my VDP call to EMC

  • 12.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 10:25 AM


    I have a problem with vdp:

    Could not connect to the requested VDP appliance,

    I have Vcenter appliance and sso enbedded, i try with this articule but the mesage is the same.

    any idea?

    Thanks all

  • 13.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 10:32 AM


    Is this when you deploy the OVF, Set it up. Connects to VCenter then in the Vcenter Web Client clikc on VDP and then connect it wont connect?

  • 14.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 11:17 AM

    Yes, i deploy ok and configuration it is ok, but when i try connect with the vdp i received this error

    Could not connect to the requested VDP appliance

  • 15.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 11:45 AM

    this is the issue I have had since beginning of December.

    It has been Escalated all the way up to the head of VDP engineering and they are stumped.

    They have now pushed it back to Vmware as they are sayign its an SSO error.

    Strange as we have Vshield, View, Update Manager and View Composer all plugged into SSo and they all work fine.

    interestignly in that article you posted it mentions SSL.  We have put in internal SSL Certs accross the estate and VDP is the only thing we cant put our SSL into and tell it to accept our Cert Server.

    I suggest you log a call with Support to highlight the issue so they can put more resource into fixing it.

  • 16.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 02:23 PM

    I was able to authenticate finally with my AD username.  I had to add my specific username to the Permissions tab on the vCenter server from within the web client.  I have a group setup and added in this same spot, but apparently that isnt feasible.

  • 17.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 02:37 PM

    We have a Service account as local and Domain admin as well as VC admin and SSO admin.

    still nothing

  • 18.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 11:50 PM

    BillysGruff, that helped us.

    For anyone else that it might help, specifically what I did (and I think BillysGruff did) is:

    1.  Log in to web client

    2.  Choose vCenter under the Home icon on the navigator.

    3.  Choose vCenter Servers under the Inventory Lists

    4.  Under vCenter Servers, click your desired server

    5.  Choose the Manage tab

    6.  Choose the Permissions tab

    7.  Choose the green + to add a permission

    8.  On the left side, choose the desired user using the Add button near the bottom

    9.  On the right side, set the assigned role to Administrator using the drop down box near the center.

    10.  I chose the propagate option, not sure that is required

    11.  Choose OK

  • 19.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jan 19, 2013 06:09 PM

    I've tried everything thing is this thread from:

    1)  pre-populating DNS

    2)  Using user@domain instead of domain/user

    3)  explicitly adding each user tested to vCenter VM (in vCenter) as an administrator

    4)  Using both the FQDN and IP of vCenter server

    5)  Creating a local (non-domain) account

    6)  Delete VCP appliance and deploy new

    Any combination of the above resulted in the following:

    Specified user either is not a dedicated VDP user or does not have sufficient vCenter privileges to administer VDP

    How in the world does one get this product to actually work?

  • 20.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Feb 27, 2013 02:19 PM

    Here is what I did to get this to work.

    On the Windows server running vCenter.

    1. I created a local account named vdp  (Set password to does not expire and I didn't even make this account an administrator on the local machine)

    2. Make sure the password you set for this account does not have any special characters.  (VDP doesn't like this)


    1.  Log in to web client

    2.  Choose vCenter under the Home icon on the navigator.

    3.  Choose vCenter Servers under the Inventory Lists  (I made the mistake of over looking this part and trying to set these permission on the Windows VM running my vCenter server.  That does not work you HAVE to set the account permissions within the vCenter software NOT  the VM Host.  See attached image for the proper location and permissions to get this working.

    4.  Under vCenter Servers, click your desired server

    5.  Choose the Manage tab

    6.  Choose the Permissions tab

    7.  Choose the green + to add a permission

    8.  On the left side, choose the desired user using the Add button near the bottom

    9.  On the right side, set the assigned role to Administrator using the drop down box near the center.

    10.  I chose the propagate option, not sure that is required

    11.  Choose OK

  • 21.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Apr 10, 2013 05:49 PM

    i cannot find any local users when browsing for the user under permissions in vcenter or the web client. how do I add a local user into vcenter?

  • 22.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Apr 11, 2013 10:34 PM

    I was able o get this  issue fixed  by adding the administrator domain username. Even if the domain admin group is shown in vcenter, vdp will not recognize groups. It needs the exact domain username added at the dc level.


  • 23.  RE: Can not register VDP to vcenter

    Posted Jun 05, 2013 06:35 PM

    tdubb123 wrote:

    I was able o get this  issue fixed  by adding the administrator domain username. Even if the domain admin group is shown in vcenter, vdp will not recognize groups. It needs the exact domain username added at the dc level.


    +1000000 on this...

    I did the same and it worked...

    1. Open vCenter (web client or the regular standalone client)

    2. Navigate to your vCenter server name and select Permissions

    3. What we have here is what I think most people have...  Administrators group assigned to role of administrator.  However VDP appears to not like groups so add the account that you use to login to vCenter here.

    4.  Assign that account to administrator role and choose propagate

    5.  Go back to the VDP configuration screen and try again (use the same account you just added in vCenter) keep the SSO box checked.  For grins, I also put the username in the format of or net etc...)

    6.  Click test - should be successful

    If not, make sure you have the VDP host entered into DNS already.  Seems to need that too.

    Thanks TDUBB!  :smileyhappy: