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  • 1.  Can not convert my Win10 to Virtual Machine

    Posted May 05, 2022 04:56 PM
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    Dear All,

    Could you be so kind to help me? 

    I can't convert my Win10 physical operation system to a virtual machine. All the time the converting process stops at around 98%

    Error message:

    Converter version:

    Conversion disk config:

    With this message: 

    FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion:
    'Cannot format volume.'

    Error: Unable to clone volume 'T:'.


    2022-05-05T18:28:23.653+02:00 error vmware-converter-server[18540] [Originator@6876 sub=Ufa.HTTPService] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x0425dbfc, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)
    2022-05-05T18:28:23.653+02:00 error vmware-converter-server[15216] [Originator@6876 sub=Ufa.HTTPService] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x0425e3dc, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)
    2022-05-05T18:36:47.626+02:00 error vmware-converter-server[15644] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] [task,350] [LRO] Unexpected Exception: converter.fault.CloneFault
    2022-05-05T18:36:47.626+02:00 info vmware-converter-server[15644] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] [task,379] [task-20] -- ERROR -- Convert: converter.fault.CloneFault
    --> (converter.fault.CloneFault) {
    --> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
    --> description = "Cannot format volume.",
    --> msg = ""
    --> }


    Thank you so much:

    Bela Roboz


  • 2.  RE: Can not convert my Win10 to Virtual Machine

    Posted May 05, 2022 08:42 PM


    I suppose that the volume T (and also the volume R) for the size is a utility partition (used to restore the OS and driver), it is not necessary to start the OS on Virtual machine.

    Do you have tried to convert the WIndows 10 OS without the volume T and R? 

    After the conversion, you need to Check the VM will start correctly.

  • 3.  RE: Can not convert my Win10 to Virtual Machine
    Best Answer

    Posted May 05, 2022 10:57 PM

    Removing the "T" wasn't success. I removed all the apps related to virtual machines: hiper-v, virtaul box, newest vmware, vmware converter and I reinstelled at first the vmware converter(VMware-converter-en-6.2.0-8466193.exe) then  VMware-workstation-full-16.1.1-17801498.exe these steps was proper.

    Thanks: Bela