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  • 1.  Can firmware update kill Vmotion?

    Posted Jan 09, 2008 08:54 PM

    I applied an updated firmware to one of two servers in an HA/DRS cluster. Now I can not do Vmotion. The errors msg is: "The CPU of the host is incompatible with the CPU feature requirements of the virtual machine; problem detected at CPUID level 0x80000001 register edx."

    Very strange. Any ideas on how to correct this other than applying the firmware update to the other server?


  • 2.  RE: Can firmware update kill Vmotion?

    Posted Jan 09, 2008 09:14 PM

    If you don't wish to upgrade the firmware on the other ESX host, you could try tweaking the CPU masks:

    For some additional information: (Intel Processors) (AMD Processors)


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  • 3.  RE: Can firmware update kill Vmotion?

    Posted Jan 09, 2008 09:31 PM

    Unfortunately the answer is yes. As the articles in the previous post point out, the procs pretty much have to be the same. But, I do have a piece of a post that fixes this but TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. This fix will completely eliminate CPU compatibility check. All I can say is that it works very well for me and I haven't had bad things happen. My servers' CPU are all Intel and very close but different enough because if you buy a server 6 months after your other ones, you're already too far apart for VMotion.

    Here you go:

    You can disable all CPU compatibility checks by editing the vpxd.cfg file on the host that is running the VC server. This file is located in the

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter

    folder. If vpxd.cfg doesn't exist, create it. (If your system is configured to hide common extensions, make sure you don't accidentally create a vpxd.cfg.txt file instead of vpxd.cfg.) However I'm pretty sure that it should have been created already by the beta 2 VC installer, and have various stuff in it.

    This is another XML-structured file. The outermost element is <config>. We're going to add something just inside that level. I.e. this doesn't go inside the <vpxd> element or any other inner elements.






    After modifying vpxd.cfg, you need to restart the VC service for the changes to take effect.

  • 4.  RE: Can firmware update kill Vmotion?

    Posted Jan 09, 2008 09:34 PM

    My apologies for not being able to credit the original author who posted this several months ago.