Hey everyone. I'm hoping someone can help me here.
I have a client that I'm in the process of migrating from NSX-V to NSX-T. We got the project after NSX-V was already off support and there's been a lot of confusion during the process I won't go into, so it's taken a lot longer than planned.
The relevant short story is this: The client was running Cross-vCenter in NSX-V, but is not in a position to afford the federated licensing required to keep a similar configuration going. The decision has been made to break Cross-vCenter, turn each of their two sites into standalone sites and use the Migration Coordinator on each site separately. This was done in consultation with support.
However, the problem is I don't know what process to follow to actually break Cross-vCenter. There was official documentation for this up until NSX-T 3.2 when federation was introduced and since then, it's been completely scrubbed. My support rep spent quite a bit of time trying to find it and had no luck. If we can't break Cross-vCenter, we can't proceed. The process is still valid, I just can't find anything about it.
Does anyone happen to know the process of breaking Cross-vCenter and could relay it to me? If I can get past this one hurdle, finishing the migration should be easy.