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  • 1.  Boot key combinations ignored on MacOSX VM through vSphere?

    Posted Jun 19, 2012 09:19 AM


    I have installed ESXi5 (VMWARE-ESXi-5.0.0-Rollup-20111216.iso patched to update1 (build:721882)) on a MacMini5,3 and it works great!

    But I have a MacOSX VM where I want to either boot from a vDVD (iso) or another harddisk. Normally on Mac you would press 'C' while booting to boot from CD/DVD or Options/Alt to be able to select the boot device.

    This do not seem to work through vSphere Client-5.0.0(build:623373) the first harddisk is just booted everytime.

    Anybody know how to change the boot device for a Mac Virtual Machine?

    Best regards,

    - Morten Green Hermansen

  • 2.  RE: Boot key combinations ignored on MacOSX VM through vSphere?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 19, 2012 09:55 AM

    Hello Morten,

    If I understand the issue correctly, you are referring to a MAC Virtual Machine Boot options, is that correct. If Yes, then here is the solution.

    While the VM is in powered off state you can edit the settings and move to Options tab, in there in Advanced you will find the Boot Options.

    Select the Boot Options and on the right side pane you can see the options to set the boot delay proess.

    In Power On Boot Delay set your time for the delay in milliseconds, i.e., if you want a 2 second boot delay you need to enter the value as 200, and 500 for 5 seconds boot delay.

    Please revert with any questions, I an herein adding my Contact details below.


    Phone: +91-970-443-3304.



  • 3.  RE: Boot key combinations ignored on MacOSX VM through vSphere?

    Posted Jun 19, 2012 12:18 PM

    Hello Vamsi!

    Great post but in the Options tab there was a checkbox for 'booting into EFI on next boot'. This is even better because then I can select the wanted boot device from a simple menu (without the correct timing of boot key presses :-) )

    Thank you so much for guiding me in the right direction!

    - Morten