What are the recommended vnic types for the following OS' ?
WinXP (32bit)
Win7 (64 bit)
Windows 2003 (32bit)
Windows 2008 R2 (64bit)
I would use VMXNET3 on all, unless there is a specific reason not to.
Have a read of the following document to understand your choices;
I would go with VMXNET3 if VM's are running Virtual hardware version 7
Check KB1001805 which will allow to decide on the best adapter
I have a WinXP machine that was on vmxnet3 and then I switched to flexible thinking it might correct the problem I'm having. Currently in either type, I can only ping other VMs that are on the same host. All other VMs on the other hosts are not pingable. Every other VM I have is ok. Has anyone seen this before? It's VM version 7.
Is all your VM's on same portgroup (vLAN's) ?
Are you able to reach the Windows XP from the other host VM's?
All on same vlan and portgroup. Everything works within the VMs on the same host. Can't contact other VMs if it's not on the same host.
Which load-balancing policy do you have configured for this vSwitch and PortGroup?
I have 11 nics dedicated to this switch:
virtual machine lan vswitch port group properties:
security tab: none selected
traffic shaping tab: none selected
nic teaming: none selected
Are the host managed by vCenter?
Have yo verfied the vSwitch setting on both host?
Does your uplink on both the host are in same physical network.
If the problem is only with Single VM then I suspect to be firewall issue in the VM. Check for this
There is really no difference. Virtual NIC are basically compatible components that make the driver appear like a physical device, but functionality is the same. The only real difference is features. You get more capability with VMxNet3 vs E1000 for instance. The are all the same driver behind the scenes. If you don't need the featureset for a higher level vNIC then you don't need to use it.