Dear All,
I'm new with Virtual SAN and I wanted to use the local storage left on my physical ESXi hosts. We have Vsphere 5.5 (latest build) with 4 hosts.
Each host has had a local datastore of about 40GB. I like to use this space for View Horizon desktops because the disks are SSD.
First I did create a VSAN without deleting the local datastores on each host. VSAN showed that no disk are available. So I thought to delete all local datastore (they were not in use anyway) to free up the space for VSAN.
VSAN shows now all four disk and the "not available) is gone, created automatically a VSAN store, but there is no space available.
The VSAN network is shown as "normal"
What I'm missing here? Can I not create a VSAN with available space on my hosts disk? Do I need a dedicated disk on each host to create a VSAN?