For best perfromance with R5 you are looking at 41 for capacity 81, yes meta LUNs across multiple enclosures will potential backend througput increase if your servers can actually use it. The IO foot print needs to be looked at, if you were to setup a 4+1 on 300GB 10K disks you've got a "rule of thumb" 640 IOPs to these disks so by doubling the size in a Meta you could get 1280 IOPs, but only if the VMs are actually pushing that kind of data.
I'd suggest gathering some workload stats over the coming week or 2 to see what you need, bare in mind that the 4 + 1 r5 is going to yield ~1040 GB so the Meta will be 2Tb, do you need this kind of individual size? if you decide to go with the meta i'd look at creating 2 LUNs in each RG and then extend the first one in the first RG into the first in the second RG, then extend the Second in the second RG using the second in the first RG. this specific route will give better IO distribution as Meta 1 will start in RG 1 and Meta 2 in RG 2, providing these are in seperate enclosures on seperate buses you'll be able to maximise the clariion backend.
You may want to consider PowerPath/VE if bandwidth is really critical but that, of course, will require "enterprise plus" but would give true multi-pathing.