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  • 1.  Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted Nov 07, 2008 09:30 PM

    I am reading the Documentation/Plugins but I cannot found how to do this.

    - I have a webpage that I need to monitor
    - I need to extract content on this page to evaluate the ‘availability’ (if a html row contain the work OK)
    - Also, the web site is secure and prior to call my web page, I need to authenticate via a Web Form (Basically, I need to do A POST with a username/password and I need to re-use the Cookie for the next Http call).

    Any good Idea on how to do that (beside using the Script Service)?

  • 2.  RE: Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted Nov 09, 2008 01:04 AM

    A script plug in is probably the way to go for that, unless there's a reason you want to avoid the script service:

    Is there a reason you want to check via parsing "post" results rather than monitoring the availability of the web server? i.e. do you have an issue where the page will not load when the web server is healthy?


  • 3.  RE: Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted Nov 10, 2008 08:20 PM

    To me, the only way to be sure, at 100%, that an application is behaving properly is to validate the content of a page. A App Server can be up and running but so many other thing can go wrong in a Java App...

    If my monitoring tool can see the same content as a user, then I can assert everything is ok.


  • 4.  RE: Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted Mar 03, 2009 04:33 PM

    I had a similar problem.
    I solved it by using the HTTP-Platform Service.

    You get it if you browse on your platform and add a "New Platform Service" from the Tools Menu. Choose Service Type "HTTP" and then configure it like you need to.
    You see in the site that also can authenticate with username an password.

    Fill into "pattern" what content you want to monitor on your site.
    If the website contains the pattern in it's HTML-Sourcecode, the HTTP-Availability will be green, if it not contains the pattern it will be yellow at 50% Availability.

  • 5.  RE: Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted May 21, 2009 10:32 PM
    Hello Aerosteak,
    Were you able to solve your issue? I have a similar requirement....I tried

    1) Using the Http Service with username & password: It gives me availability 100% even if I give a wrong username or a password. So I am not that confident using this feature. Please let me know if I am missing any configuration of this setup though

    2) Using script (Selenium): However it opens the browser when the script is called through the Hyperic HQ. Maybe I am missing some setup here as well.

    Anyway, please let me know if you have found good solution to handle it. Any help/suggestion will be much appreciated.


  • 6.  RE: Availability based on HTML page content + Login form

    Posted May 21, 2009 10:42 PM

    did you read my comment about selenium ?
