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Automated Conversions from 2VI backups direct to ESX

  • 1.  Automated Conversions from 2VI backups direct to ESX

    Posted Jul 27, 2009 11:30 AM


    I am looking for a tool that will allow me to schedule regular conversions from our Backup Exec System Recovery 2VI files directly into ESX. Yes BESR can do this but I am having problems with this side of the tool and frankly it seems fairly limited in and unreliable when it comes to doing B2V stuff.

    I need a tool that will do the following

    • Convert from 2VI to ESX 4 virtual disk format.

    • Convert to thin disk.

    • Allow the conversion jobs to be scheduled on a regular basis i.e. nightly if we need to.

    It would be nice if the process did not require a virtual guest template to be created as part of the process as we already have virtual guests created and one to assign the converted disks to these guest machines.

