1 In a PowerShell window, check whether any software depots are defined for the current session.
PowerShell returns the currently defined depots, or nothing if you just started PowerShell.
2 If necessary, add the depot that includes the profile you want to clone to the current session.
For remote depots, run Add-EsxSoftwareDepot -DepotUrl depot_url.
For an offline depot ZIP file, you must download the ZIP file first.
a Download the ZIP file to a local file path.
b Run Add-EsxSoftwareDepot -DepotUrl C:\file_path\offline-bundle.zip
PowerShell adds the specified depot to your current session and lists all current depots.
3 Check the $DefaultSoftwareDepots variable, which now returns the newly-added depot.
4 Display all currently available image profiles.