I was reading http://www.vmware.com/pdf/Perf_Best_Practices_vSphere5.5.pdf
and I would like to clarify this point on page 44 regarding vCPUs per VM:
Size your virtual machines so they align with physical NUMA boundaries. For example, if you have a host
system with six cores per NUMA node, size your virtual machines with a multiple of six vCPUs (i.e., 6
vCPUs, 12 vCPUs, 18 vCPUs, 24 vCPUs, and so on).
So is this correct:
On one ESXi host with 1 socket and 4 cores (1 NUMA node) I intend to run 5 VMs. 2 of those VMs will be CPU intensive and 3 not CPU intensive.
Nevertheless assigning 4 vCPUs to every VM (instead of assigning 4 vCPUs to resource intensive VMs and 1 vCPU to non intensive VMs) would result in better performance for all 5 VMs?
In general distributing CPU resources across those VMs should be done via shares and reservations instead of assigning different vCPU numbers?