VMware Aria

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  • 1.  Aria licensing question: VMware vCloud Suite

    Posted Sep 23, 2023 08:09 PM

    I have a VMware environment with two clusters : Management & Production, in the management cluster i have a vRealize suite environment (vLCM, vIDM, vRA, vROPS, vRLi), we used a vCloud suite license.

    we want only to use one cloud account in vRA : Production vCenter, Does the Management cluster need to be licensed with vCloud Suite ? or only the cloud account environment where the blueprints will be deployed ? 

    Any further explication about vCloud suite licensing requirements in my scenario ? does changing licenses impact my environment ? 

  • 2.  RE: Aria licensing question: VMware vCloud Suite

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 24, 2023 09:02 AM

    Hi there. I work for VMware in sales however I am not responsible for licensing models.

    That said, to my knowledge you don't need to license the enviroment where Aria Suite components are installed if they are managed by a seperate vCenter. Only those SDDCs (vSphere, VMC, AVS) / VPCs (in AWS etc.) and the Cloud Zones where you will provision and manage virtual machines / cloud instances etc. need licensing. However there are some restrictions, e.g. with HCX which licenses the entire set of vSphere clusters in a target vCenter.

    Please check with you VMware Solutions Engineer who will be able to advise further as we have several different licensing models.