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  • 1.  Ansible playbook NFS datastore mounting

    Posted Apr 11, 2023 01:42 PM


    I've created a playbook to mount NFS datastores to my ESX hosts/vCenter. When i provide the hostname of my ESX hosts it will work without issue, however, if i provide it through an inventory file it fails with no hosts matched. 

    Replacing the variable " {{ inventory_hostname }} " with a hostname will make the script work. 


    the command run is: 

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/esx_host.ini -l esxhosts mount_nfs_datastore.yml -vvvvvv 

    The resultant verbose output: 

    ansible-playbook [core 2.13.2]
      config file = /usr/home/admin.dimitri/ansible.cfg
      configured module search path = ['/home/admin.dimitri/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/local/share/py39-ansible/plugins/modules']
      ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
      ansible collection location = /home/admin.dimitri/.ansible/collections:/usr/local/share/py39-ansible/collections
      executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook
      python version = 3.9.15 (main, Dec 12 2022, 11:28:09) [Clang 13.0.0 ( llvmorg-13.0.0-0-gd7b669b3a
      jinja version = 3.1.2
      libyaml = True
    Using /usr/home/admin.dimitri/ansible.cfg as config file
    setting up inventory plugins
    host_list declined parsing /usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini as it did not pass its verify_file() method
    script declined parsing /usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini as it did not pass its verify_file() method
    auto declined parsing /usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini as it did not pass its verify_file() method
    yaml declined parsing /usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini as it did not pass its verify_file() method
    Parsed /usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini inventory source with ini plugin
    Loading collection community.vmware from /home/admin.dimitri/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/vmware
    Loading callback plugin default of type stdout, v2.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/
    Attempting to use 'default' callback.
    Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback.
    Attempting to use 'junit' callback.
    Attempting to use 'minimal' callback.
    Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback.
    Attempting to use 'oneline' callback.
    Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback.
    Attempting to use 'tree' callback.
    PLAYBOOK: mount_nfs_datastore.yml ***************************************************************************************************************************
    Positional arguments: mount_nfs_datastore.yml
    verbosity: 6
    connection: smart
    timeout: 10
    become_method: sudo
    tags: ('all',)
    check: True
    inventory: ('/usr/home/admin.dimitri/inventory/esx_host.ini',)
    subset: esxhosts
    forks: 5
    1 plays in mount_nfs_datastore.yml
    Please enter your username: xxxxx\xxxxx
    Please enter your password:
    Please enter the vCenter IP Address:
    Please enter the volume name: dfasdfgdf
    Please provide the type of DataStore (Ex: nfs,nfs41 or vmfs): nfs41
    Please provide the IP Address of the LIF serving the data:
    Please specify whether to mount or unmount, enter present to mount, absent to unmount:
    PLAY [Mount NFS datastore to vCenter] ***********************************************************************************************************************
    skipping: no hosts matched
    PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************


      - hosts: localhost
        name: Mount NFS datastore to vCenter
           - name: username
             prompt: Please enter your username
             private: false
           - name: password
             prompt: Please enter your password
             unsafe: true
           - name: vCenter_IP
             prompt: Please enter the vCenter IP Address
             private: false
           - name: Volume_Name
             prompt: Please enter the volume name
             private: false
           - name: Datastore_Type
             prompt: "Please provide the type of DataStore (Ex: nfs,nfs41 or vmfs)"
             private: false
           - name: NFS_Server
             prompt: Please provide the IP Address of the LIF serving the data
             private: false
           - name: Mount_Unmount
             prompt: Please specify whether to mount or unmount, enter present to mount, absent to unmount
             #present will ignore an existing volume, absent will also ignore if it does not exist
             private: false
          - community.vmware
        - name: Gather facts of the vCenter server
            hostname: "{{ vCenter_IP }}"
            username: "{{ username }}"
            password: "{{ password }}"
            validate_certs: false
            esxi_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
          register: host_facts
        - name: debugging inventory
            var: inventory_hostname
        - name: debugging
            msg: "{{ host_facts }}"
        - name: Mount NFS Datastore
            hostname: "{{ vCenter_IP }}"
            username: "{{ username }}"
            password: "{{ password }}"
            datastore_name: "{{ Volume_Name }}"
            nfs_path: "/{{ Volume_Name }}"
            datastore_type: "{{ Datastore_Type }}"
            nfs_ro: false
            nfs_server: "{{ NFS_Server }}"
            state: "{{ Mount_Unmount }}"
            validate_certs: false
            esxi_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"


    the inventory file: 

        "_meta": {
            "hostvars": {}
        "all": {
            "children": [
        "esxhosts": {
            "hosts": [
                "HM0-ESX033.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX034.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX035.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX036.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX037.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX038.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX039.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX040.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX041.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX042.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX043.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX044.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX045.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX046.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX047.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX048.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX049.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX050.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX051.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX052.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX053.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX054.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX055.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX056.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX061.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX062.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX063.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX064.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX065.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX066.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX067.ESX. ",
                "HM0-ESX068.ESX. "


    any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


  • 2.  RE: Ansible playbook NFS datastore mounting

    Posted Apr 12, 2023 06:29 AM

    I think i've misunderstood the inventory_hostname part.. replaced it with a loop which works just as well. 


    - name: Mount NFS Datastore
    hostname: "{{ vCenter_IP }}"
    username: "{{ username }}"
    password: "{{ password }}"
    datastore_name: "{{ Volume_Name }}"
    nfs_path: "/{{ Volume_Name }}"
    datastore_type: "{{ Datastore_Type }}"
    nfs_ro: false
    nfs_server: "{{ NFS_Server }}"
    state: "{{ Mount_Unmount }}"
    validate_certs: false
    esxi_hostname: "{{ item }}"
    loop: "{{ lookup('file', 'inventory/esx_host_inventory.txt').splitlines() }}"