We are trying to run an ansible playbook from our ansible management server (not Tower) to our vCenter which is failing. The script is to clone an existing template to a VM and place it on a specific datastore and into a specific folder. I have set as restrictive permissions as possible, they are detailed below.
If I complete the task by logging into vCenter with the ansible service account, I am able to complete the task successfully. However, when i run the playbook below, it fails with the following error:
"msg": "Failed to clone virtual machine XXXXXXX to folder 'vim.Folder:group-v287685' due to permission issue: Permission to perform this operation was denied."
If I give the user account administrator privileges over the whole vCenter the script works. Below is a subset of the script and i have commented on the permissions our service account has at that level.
- name: Clone the template
hostname: "vCenter.xxxx.local" ***Service account has RO permissions to this object and its children
username: "{{ credentials.vmware_username }}"
password: "{{ credentials.vmware_password}}"
datacenter: DC1X ***Service account has Administrator permissions to this object ONLY
cluster: WCL1 ***Service account has Administrator permissions to this object and its children
validate_certs: False
name: "VM-{{ tier }}-{{ servertype }}{{ item.0 }}"
template: "Template1" ***Service account has Administrator permissions to this object and its children
datastore: "Datastore1" ***Service account has Administrator permissions to this object and its children
folder: "Location/vm/Customer/Customer-Templates/" ***Service account has Administrator permissions to this object ONLY
state: poweredon
num_cpus: "{{ inventory[servertype].cpus }}"
memory_mb: "{{ inventory[servertype].memory }}"
- name: "{{ network[tier][servertype].net_name }}"
ip: "{{ item.1 }}"
netmask: "{{ network[tier][servertype].gateway }}"
gateway: "{{ network[tier][servertype].subnet }}"
- size_gb: "{{ network[tier][servertype].disk1 }}"
unit_number: 0
- size_gb: "{{ network[tier][servertype].disk2 }}"
unit_number: 1
loop: "{{ serv_sequence | product(ip_list) | list }}"
Can someone please tell us what we need to add to allow the service account to clone the VM via the script when it works via the GUI?