VMware vSphere

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  • 1.  An unexpected occured on Update Manager

    Posted Oct 25, 2019 09:42 AM

    Hi all,

    after opening the update manager on my vCenter 6.7 I get an unexpected error.

    I've restarted the services, the vcenter, installed the last update, disabled & enabled the plugin and ran updatemgr-utility.py reset-db .

    The error occurs on HTML5 and on Flex Client.

    In the Logfile vmware-vci-vciInstallUtils-log4cpp.log I get the following error, but the service is able to connect to the database.:

    [2019-10-25 11:23:25:378 '' 140502816467008 ERROR]  [installerRunDBCommand, 242]  [DATABASE] InstallerRunDBCommand::InitDsnInfo() relies on crypto, using plaintext vum4linux util4vum

    [2019-10-25 11:23:25:416 '' 140502816467008 INFO]  [installerRunDBCommand, 141]  [DATABASE] successfully connected to db, db = VUMDSN, user = vumuser

    In the Logfile vsphere_client_virgo.log I can find the following error

    [2019-10-25T10:44:47.792+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-7         70000002 100001 200001 com.vmware.vise.vim.commons.VcServiceUtil                         Failed to retrieve the VC version for VC https://vcenter.dummy.local:443/sdk com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: thumbprint is empty

    [2019-10-25T11:04:48.219+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-1         70000005 ###### ###### com.vmware.identity.websso.client.MessageStoreImpl                No request with id=:%s found.  Message store size:%s

    [2019-10-25T11:04:48.220+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-1         70000005 ###### ###### com.vmware.identity.websso.client.endpoint.SsoResponseListener    Authentication Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No authentication request found matching InResponseTo attribute of SAML Response from IDP. No matching logon request found for SAML response: _986610b69207b28668cf54e0239bf8d5

    [2019-10-25T11:04:48.229+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-1         70000005 ###### ###### com.vmware.vsphere.client.security.websso.LogonProcessorImpl      HTTP error code: 400, status: BadResponse, sub status: No authentication request found matching InResponseTo attribute of SAML Response from IDP.

    [2019-10-25T11:05:04.559+02:00] [ERROR] rvice-extension-mngr-pool-83 70000071 100003 200002 com.vmware.vise.extensionfw.impl.PackagesDeployer                 Could not resolve dependencies for plugins packages: [ com.vmware.vum.client: requires: [ com.vmware.vsphere.client.html greaterOrEqual ]; ];

    [2019-10-25T11:05:15.026+02:00] [ERROR] vc-extensionmanager-pool-94  70000071 100003 200002 com.vmware.vise.extensionfw.impl.PackagesDeployer                 Could not resolve dependencies for plugins packages: [ com.vmware.vrops.install: requires: [ com.vmware.vsphere.client.html greaterOrEqual 6.5.0 ]; ];

    [2019-10-25T11:05:15.030+02:00] [ERROR] vc-extensionmanager-pool-93  70000071 100003 200002 com.vmware.vise.extensionfw.impl.PackagesDeployer                 Could not resolve dependencies for plugins packages: [ com.vmware.vsphere.client.h5vsan: requires: [ com.vmware.vsphere.client.html greaterOrEqual 6.5.0 ]; ];

    [2019-10-25T11:06:44.437+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-8         70000149 100006 200002 com.vmware.vum.aspects.LoggingAspect                              Exception caught in class 'com.vmware.vum.dataservice.impl.MutationAdapter', line 260 com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.MethodFault: Problem occurred while connecting to the Update Manager server. See the vSphere Web Client logs for more details.

    [2019-10-25T11:08:06.377+02:00] [ERROR] http-nio-9090-exec-9         70000152 100006 200002 com.vmware.vum.aspects.LoggingAspect                              Exception caught in class 'com.vmware.vum.dataservice.impl.MutationAdapter', line 260 com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.MethodFault: Problem occurred while connecting to the Update Manager server. See the vSphere Web Client logs for more details.

    Does anybody have an idea how I can fix this issue?

    Thanks in advance and best regards


    EDIT: We've change der IP-Address & DNS-Server since the setup for one time

  • 2.  RE: An unexpected occured on Update Manager

    Posted Oct 25, 2019 01:43 PM

    There's something really broke here, I would open an SR on it.