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  • 1.  adding esxi host to vcenter

    Posted Nov 17, 2014 04:46 PM


    I am unable to add a ESXi 5.1 host to VCenter server (5.1). When I try to add the host to vcenter, I am getting an error message " A general system error occurred, VMODL mismatch between VC and ESXi.

    Need Help.

  • 2.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter

    Posted Nov 17, 2014 04:52 PM


    Can you try using the IP address instead of the hostname and vice-versa? Can you check to make sure the host has an A record if you're trying to use DNS?

    (Not the solution if it works by IP, just testing)

    You can also try enabling SSH under security profile and using a program such as PuTTy to connect via root/your password. Once connected, try restarting the management agents by running : restart

    Let me know.

  • 3.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter

    Posted Nov 17, 2014 07:16 PM


    Pls confirm if you have added the Host  name into host file into VC. if not pls enter the ESXi name and ESXi IP address into the host file under Virtual Center


  • 4.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter
    Best Answer

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 17, 2014 07:30 PM

    Usually this error pops up when ESXi host you are trying to add has higher version than vCenter.  As per your case, both are having same version. In fact, it should work fine with no any issue.

    Can you please confirm ESXi and vCenter versions? Also can you please post build numbers fro both?

  • 5.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter

    Posted Nov 18, 2014 08:27 AM

    Thanks for your help.

    The issue got resolved. issue with the esxi version.

    Now, I reinstalled the same version of ESXi and its working fine.

  • 6.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter

    Posted Nov 18, 2014 08:37 AM


    however, I have a question.?

    first, I installed esxi 5.1 update 2 and vcenter 5.1. with that setup, i was unable to add host to vcenter.

    Now, installed esxi 5.1 and tried to add to vcenter. its added to vcenter and working fine.

    As per my understand, if the host with esxi 5.1 U2 then VC should be the same version ..


  • 7.  RE: adding esxi host to vcenter

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Nov 18, 2014 10:00 AM


    If VC is say 5.5 , you should be able to add ESXi 5.0/5.1/5.5 with no any issue. vCenter is backword compatible but not forward compatible with ESXi