I spent the day simplifying some of my RDM Functions to assist with people trying to map out RDM Disks to VMs using SCSI ID for input.
I played legos today and packaged 4 functions to allow people to feed CSV Data for Mapping RDM Disks.
It seems to be a pretty frequent topic in these forums.
Tip on Naming Conventions and Input Logic for my Functions.
Fp= File Path = Full VMDK File Path =
FP Example : '[Sempra-OraTable1] rl-centClone72/rlcentClone72_OraTable1_3x11_5c6ea.vmdk'
VDN = VirtualDeviceNode = SCSI ID = Matches what they gave you in the vSphere Web UI
VDN Format I Use : Ctr-ID:DiskID : Example Controller 1 / SCSI Disk ID 5 = 1:5
List of PowerShell Functions in Zip File Attached
Gold Bonus = < Get-OraDiskInfo.ps1 >
Function 1 = < New-RdmFpCsv.ps1 >
Function 2 = < Mount-RdmFpCsv.ps1 >
Function 3 < Umount-RdmVdnCsv.ps1 >
Function 4 < Delete-RdmVdnCsv.ps1 >
CSV Data Format for Parameters
Function 1 = < New-RdmFpCsv.ps1 >
Function 2 = < Mount-RdmFpCsv.ps1 >
** Function 1 and Function 2 can be fed the same CSV as it is most likely you will be Mounting to Secondary Node using same Info for Path.
Function 3 < Umount-RdmVdnCsv.ps1 >
Function 4 < Delete-RdmVdnCsv.ps1 >
** Just need VDN Path for RDM Disk you want to unmount or delete.
** Typical use case Unmount from all Secondary Nodes then run Delete from Primary Node
I will Add two Example CSV Input Files that I used to test in my lab today.
Just follow that format for the CSV Parameter Input.
Hope this helps someone out.
Cheers RL