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About enabling CDP with powershell

  • 1.  About enabling CDP with powershell

    Posted Nov 24, 2009 10:26 PM

    About enabling CDP whut powershell i wrote a script any comment or feedback welcome

    1. To use only to 3.5 and up version of ESX

    $VMHosts = Get-VMHost | Sort-Object Name

    $User = "root"

    $Pswd = "rootpassword"

    $plink = "YOUR PLINK LOCATION \plink.exe"

    1. You can download plink.exe from following URL


    $plinkoptions = "-pw $Pswd"

    1. Uncomment for get certificate from ESX hosts

    #ForEach ($VMHost in $VMHosts)


    1. $autentication = "echo Y | $plink -l root -pw $Pswd $($VMHost.Name) exit"

    # Invoke-Expression -Command $autentication


    ForEach ($VMHost in $VMHosts)


    Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $VMHost | Foreach {

    $msg = ""

    $cmd = 'esxcfg-vswitch -B both '

    $remoteCommand = '"' + $cmd + $ + '"'

    $command = $plink + " " + $plinkoptions + " " + $User + "@" + $VMHost.Name + " " + $remoteCommand

    $msg = Invoke-Expression -command $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose



    Obviusly only fot ESX 3.5 and higher