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  • 1.  3ware 9650SE RAID Controller drivers

    Posted Jul 28, 2009 08:58 AM

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to set up my new ESXi system, but get stuck at "Unable to find a supported device to write VMWare ESXi 4.0.0 image to" - I guess the installation is not able to use my 3ware 9650SE RAID controller. How do I get this to work? I can't see any option to provide 3rd-party device drivers during setup...



  • 2.  RE: 3ware 9650SE RAID Controller drivers

    Posted Jul 28, 2009 12:30 PM

    The official way: Install ESXi 4 on an USB flash drive, then install 3ware 9650SE & 9690SA driver provided by 3ware (driver is not certified yet, but seems to work).

    The unsupported way: Add a custom oem.tgz during installation; this way you can install ESXi directly on a 3ware volume.

    However, proper RAID monitoring and management is still unavailable - even tw_cli in the unsupported console does not work (the 64-bit version does not start at all, the 32-bit version starts and complains that the kernel is 64-bit). :smileysad: