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  • 1.  2008 R2 VM unable to login due to console not showing correctly

    Posted Dec 11, 2017 05:38 PM

    I haven't found any threads with an issue like this mostly display issues or compatibility mode problems.

    ESXi6 build 41922238, Server 2008 R2

    When I open the console from the vSphere Client (non Web Client), I get the normal ctrl+alt+del screen and when I enter that keypress it doesn't give me the login box its just blank (see attached image) not sure whats causing this I have no other methods to get into the server, RDP is disabled, powershell is also disabled for remote access.

  • 2.  RE: 2008 R2 VM unable to login due to console not showing correctly
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 11, 2017 05:56 PM

    Can't answer the question directly, but just wondering if you are able to open regedit and connect remote registry or if that is also blocked?

    If it's not blocked, you can connect network registry and browse to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server key on the remote server (need to connect with admin privileges) and modify the TSUserEnabled (set to 1) and fDenyTSConnections (set to 0) values.

    This may allow you to RDP into the machine and see what's going on.  Completely external to vSphere, but maybe worth a shot.

  • 3.  RE: 2008 R2 VM unable to login due to console not showing correctly

    Posted Dec 11, 2017 06:27 PM

    Ok, I was able to enable that through registry and reboot,I get a black screen on RDP only I believe you are correct this doesn't seem to be the host I appreciate the help!