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  • 1.  2 compute clusters in 1 vsan cluster?

    Posted Sep 30, 2020 09:17 AM

    Am I able to have 1 vsan cluster available to 2 vcenter computer clusters or is it purely a 1:1 mapping of Vcenter and Vsan Clusters?

  • 2.  RE: 2 compute clusters in 1 vsan cluster?

    Posted Sep 30, 2020 09:28 AM

    Hello Matt,

    Welcome to Communities.

    A vSphere cluster (whether it has vSAN enabled or not) is an entity that belongs to a single vCenter - if you try to register a ESXi host with another vCenter it gets dropped from the original one.

    However, if you have multiple vCenters in linked-mode then you can manage clusters belonging to multiple vCenters from a single UI interface (but the clusters/hosts still 'belong' to only a single vCenter).


  • 3.  RE: 2 compute clusters in 1 vsan cluster?

    Posted Sep 30, 2020 09:53 AM

    Hi Bob thank you for your reply.

    I think I have mistyped my question so will rephrase.

    This would be 2 clusters under 1 vcenter. Ve are looking to install VSAN. Can I have my 2 compute clusters with the storage for both clusters being all in 1 VSAN cluster?

    Apologies for any confusion.

  • 4.  RE: 2 compute clusters in 1 vsan cluster?
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 30, 2020 10:06 AM

    Hello Matt,

    No, each vSAN cluster will have its own vsanDatastore that all the nodes in this cluster can access, so no they can't all just have 1 vsanDatastore (unless you put them all in 1 cluster, what is the problem with doing that?).

    In vSAN 7.0 U1 we are introducing vSAN Mesh that allows multiple vsanDatastores to be accessed by multiple cluster but each cluster will still have its own vsanDatastore.

    Introducing VMware vSAN HCI Mesh - Virtual Blocks


  • 5.  RE: 2 compute clusters in 1 vsan cluster?

    Posted Sep 30, 2020 10:36 AM

    Thanks Bob