As WoodyZ correctly points out it would have been best to have bumped the original question, but as you are new I can understand that trying to navigate the forum is a bit overwhelming.
In reply to "I think I posted this last week" in particular. You posted the article which Woody located and also another one with nearly identical text which didn't have the follow up post that seemed to suggest you had found an answer.
As the text of that question was pretty much the same as the first post I removed that post to keep the clutter down a bit.
Here's the text of that particular post.
zhiyuanzhou wrote:
I'm using vmrun stop command to stop virtual machine, however, although the virtual machine running window turned into "Stopped" state window,the stopped windows is always there. So if I then start and stop more virtual machine, there will be a lot of "Stopped" virtual machine windows there.
Is there a command or API call to close the stopped virtual machine window?
I'm using Fusion 3.1.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.5 host machine.
Like Eric Tung points out the way to approach this if you can't use the nogui option is to use applescript to close the window.
I'm sorry that I can't be of much help here as I'm new to applescript. I just tried the following in a script and it didn't work for me :smileysad:
"MySQL" is the title in the window that I started and stopped using vmrun. I must be doing something wrong, but don't know what.
tell application "VMware Fusion"
close window named "MySQL"
end tell
I forgot to mention that I first tried to approach this using a bash script, but the window is part of Fusion, so there is no particular process ID to kill and it seems you have to go through Fusion to do this. The Fusion dictionary itself doesn't show anything beyond the standard commands you can use via vmrun, but if you select it in Script Editor you also get it to show the dictionary for the "Standard Suite" so it seems to be supported, but I don't know to be honest.
edit: added text about trying this via a bash script.