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  • 1.  VMware tools install hang

    Posted Sep 03, 2011 08:08 AM


    I'm running an Imac Core 2 Duo, with only 38Go left on the internal HDD awaiting a 1To upgrade once the summer holidays are over.

    I am trying to install W-XP Pro on a 32Go FAT 32 partitioned external USB HDD.

    VMware Fusion 3.1.3 handles the installation well up till the moment it says its going to install the VMware tools.Then it just sits,

    for hours. I am obliged to use W-XP as is - without the tools. It works fine for the basic tasks.

    My only reason for wanting W-XP anywhere near my Mac working environment is to run a Garmin G1000 training program

    which Garmin have not ported to the Mac platform.

    When I try to run it without the VMware tools installed, it never starts to run, complaining about my video card not

    being up to spec. ( "Maybe load DirectX, or check drivers" ).

    I understand that without the VMware tools, I have just a very basic emulation of my Video card and that is probably why the Garmin program, which is graphically demanding, won't run.

    I have checked and found the windows.iso file in "Library/ Program support/ VMware Fusion/ Iso images"

    Trying to run "Install VMware Tools" from the the drop down menu in Fusion just sits too.

    At every relaunch of VMware - the bottom line continues to recommend installing VMware tools.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.
