So I recently set up Fusion 1.1.1 (72241) on 10.5.2 and one of the things I work with a lot is IPv6. When the guest (linux or vista) is in bridged mode while using wireless, it recieves the router advertisements and configures an address for itself. I can ping the host, and other vmware guests, but it seems pings off network get lost.
For my testing, I have 3 OS's involved, though the same things happen with other OS's as guest or the remote host.
All three have global ipv6 addresses. hostA cannot ping hostC and viceversa. hostA and hostB can ping eachother; hostB and hostC can ping eachother.
If I run tcpdump on each host, I can basicly isolate whats going on:
When hostA pings hostC, hostA can see the neighbor solicitation it sends out, but nothing ever comes back. hostC see's the neighbor solication from hostA, and sends a neighbor advertisement, but hostA never see's it. Neither does hostB.
When hostC pings hostA, hostC can see the neighbor solicitation it sends out, but nothing ever comes back. hostA see's the neighbor solication from hostA, and sends a neighbor advertisement, but hostC never see's it. Neither does hostB.
As soon as I plug in a wired connection and shut off the wireless, everything works great. Can anyone else verify this behavior? I know vmware in the past has had difficulty with wireless devices (due to the nature of wireless devices) so this might be a limitation, but I was not able to find anything in the documentation saying it should be. These same sort of tests running ipv4 work fine, which makes me think the vmware kernel module has some special logic on wireless adapters for handling ipv4, and just has no consideration for ipv6.