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  • 1.  Boot Camp Partition Recognized, but cannot be opened?

    Posted Aug 03, 2007 06:44 PM


    I just installed Fusion on my Macbook Pro, everything seemed to be going okay.

    I ran the app, selected my pre-existing windows xp boot camp partition from the list of virtual machines (it was the only option), and then hit run.

    However, then I was hit with this message:


    And then my windows partition vanished! (It comes back after restarting, but it's still very strange)

    Any clues?


  • 2.  RE: Boot Camp Partition Recognized, but cannot be opened?

    Posted Aug 03, 2007 06:48 PM

    I can't see your screenshot, I get a 404. The Windows partition vanishing is normal.

  • 3.  RE: Boot Camp Partition Recognized, but cannot be opened?

    Posted Aug 03, 2007 06:51 PM

    Sheesh sparky, you must have an itchy trigger finger. :smileyhappy:

    I fixed the url no more than a few minutes after posting the thread..

    It's fixed now.

    And the partition vanishing isn't my problem, but I'm glad to hear it's normal at least.