So, I have an Issue with VMware Fusion on my mac, Basically I have an intel macbook pro because i cant afford an apple silicon, so I wanted to run virtual machines, and basically vmware fusion was my best go, so when I downloaded the dmg file, it tells whether i want to open the file or show the disk image, i press open and it asks for the password, i enter it and the vmware fusion icon appears on my dock, bouncing, but right after I hit enter (after entering password) it disappears without giving me any errors, although one time it said vmware fusion crashed unexpectedly, other than that, it just keeps closing.
I also have the latest version of macos ventura 13.1 with plenty of storage space left
and its also a macbook pro 13" from 2017 with no touchbar, really good laptop for price but cannot run vmware fusion
Is it because I have a dual core or is it something else? Pls let me know!