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Fusion, Sage Line 50, PDF issue

  • 1.  Fusion, Sage Line 50, PDF issue

    Posted Jul 28, 2009 08:19 AM

    I have VMware Fusion 2.02 running on my Mac with Sage Line 50 (Windows) installed on the Shared Folder so that it is backed up by Time Machine.

    However, everytime I attempt to do a bank reconciliation in the Sage accounts package and hit the reconcile button, the program closes down. I believe it is a PDF issue, because what should happen is the transactions I have selected should be marked with a reconciliation date - which is happening, and then a copy of the reconciliation should be saved as a pdf in a Shared Folder.

    I have tried going to 'Start', 'Control Panel', 'Printers and Faxes' and right clicked on the Sage PDF Printer, selecting 'Properties' and under 'Ports' found TPVM was selected, so changed this to LPT1, but no joy.

    This problem did not exist when I used to have the software installed in the Windows folders, but only since it has be reinstalled in the Shared Folders.

    Can anyone help???