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  • 1.  File not found error when attempting to start VM

    Posted Jun 06, 2020 04:55 PM


    I am attempting to start my virtual machine but I got the following error:

    "File not found: /****My Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm/Windows 10 x64.vmdk

    This file is required to power on this virtual machine. If this file was moved, specify the new location."

    I clicked on Browse and went to point out to the VMDK file for my virtual machine but then got the following error:

    "VMware Fusion cannot find the virtual disk "/*****My Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm/Windows 10 x64.vmdk".

    erify the path is valid and try again.

    The system cannot find the file specified

    Cannot open the disk '/Users/jamil_abuaqel/Virtual Machines.localized/My Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm/Windows 10 x64.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.

    Module 'Disk' power on failed.

    Failed to start the virtual machine"

    I did some reading and tried a couple of things like removing the .lck files but nothing worked.

    I am running this on a Mac running Catalina with Fusion 11.5.5.

    Hope to get some advice on how to fix this.

  • 2.  RE: File not found error when attempting to start VM
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 06, 2020 05:07 PM

    Welcome to the Community,

    please check whether all files that make up the virtual disk are present in the VM's folder/bundle.

    With default settings, each virtual disk (and/or snapshot) consists of a descriptor file (e.g. "Windows 10 x64.vmdk"), and several data files (e.g. "Windows 10 x64-s00x.vmdk"). The descriptor file contains the list of the required data files.


  • 3.  RE: File not found error when attempting to start VM

    Posted Jun 08, 2020 09:44 AM

    Thanks for the response Andre. I checked the package and found 239 files of those then check the VMDK file and found reference to those 239 files. Checked the file names and they match. Anything else you would recommend?

  • 4.  RE: File not found error when attempting to start VM

    Posted Jun 08, 2020 12:04 PM

    I took a deeper look at the VMware.log file and found that there was a message reporting a missing vmdk file that I missed seeing, e.g., Windows 10 x64-s083.vmdk. I saw that the files before it and after it (Windows 10 x64-s084 and Windows 10 x64-s082) have identical size and content so I just duplicated one of them then renamed it to the missing *-s083.vmdk. Afterwards, the log file showed another two or three missing files and I did the same for all. Once done, I started the VM and it successfully came up :-)

    Thank you Andre for the help, case closed.

  • 5.  RE: File not found error when attempting to start VM

    Posted Sep 20, 2023 03:11 AM

    Holy moly.  Thank goodness I found this thread even though its a few years old.  I am still running Fusion on my older Intel laptop and was using CC cleaner and accidentally deleted many of the vmdks.  If I hadn't found this thread and your solution of copying the missing vmdks in the bundle, I would have been totally lost.  Thank you so much for adding your solution.  Saved me a HUGE headache and $$$!