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  • 1.  IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Jan 29, 2017 08:04 AM


    I need some advice on how to set-up the sharing settings, so that I can open attachments (such as PPT, Word etc) from IBM Notes running in VM Fusion. I am getting an error message saying that the particular file is not set up to shared with the host. I am new to the VM side of things so if anybody can tell me what I need to do in the Sharing setup ( and possibly in IBM Notes ) that would be great.


  • 2.  RE: IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Jan 30, 2017 12:14 AM

    Just to make sure I understand, do you have notes running in a windows VM, and want to open attachments in office on the host, or is notes running on the host, and you want to open attachments using office in a guest?

    In either case, though,  I don't think you'll be able to do so reliably.  When you double click an attachment in notes to open it, Notes copies it to a temporary folder, then launches the local program.    So for notes in a guest, I suspect that those temp folders aren't accessible to the sharing functions in fusion.  Worse yet, Notes will delete the temporary file after a short while, which causes Office to crash.  Best practice with notes is to always copy the attachment to a folder, then open from the folder.

    For what it's worth, Notes is available as a native Mac application. 

  • 3.  RE: IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Jan 30, 2017 07:56 AM

    I am running Notes in the VM ( basically because I couldn't figure out how to configure the 64b Notes client ). The Office Apps are all on the MAC. I had read that this could be facilitated via sharing settings. Id be interested if anyone else has seen this.

  • 4.  RE: IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Jan 31, 2017 04:37 AM

    You're definitely doing to have problems because of the automatic deletion of the temp files.  I work with a very large population of Notes and Mac users - even the native notes causes data loss if you open attachments directly from a message.

    I'm not aware that Fusion allows launching host applications from the guest in any case (the reverse yes).

  • 5.  RE: IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Jan 31, 2017 06:50 AM

    Hi, the solution I have gone for is I have just downloaded the Word,Excel and Powerpoint viewers in the VM so I can now open up the attachments, OK it doesn't let me edit, but its rare I do this and if I need to, I can just save them from the VM and edit them locally on the MAC Office installations. Thanks for your help.

  • 6.  RE: IBM Notes Attachments in VM Fusion

    Posted Feb 01, 2017 02:23 AM

    Glad you found a solution!