I've been playing around a bit on this. There doesn't appear to be an AppleScript directory available with Fusion any more, so that avenue is out.
Here's also something to try (I'd forgotten about this macOS behavior). It's maybe not a programatic solution, but it's on par with the View -> Resize Virtual Machine you're asking for considering the number of keystrokes/mouse clicks.
After logging into the virtual machine (which will be a smaller window due to the Linux boot loader and text console resizing the screen to a smaller value), hover the mouse pointer over the green button in the VM window's macOS title bar. One of the options will be "Enter Full Screen". Now hold down the option key on the keyboard, and that option changes to "Zoom". Click that and you get the old macOS behavior of the window expanding to fill the screen below the menu bar. The VM resolution will automatically resize to the new window size.
Your alt-tab will work just like it did when you manually resized the window.
(Once you've done this a couple of times, simply option-clicking the button makes the process faster).
Option-click again on the green button while it's zoomed, and the window returns to its pre-"Zoom"ed size..
I was able to record an Automator workflow that not only invoked Fusion, but started the VM and then logged into the account for you. Within the workflow I was able to resize the VM screen using the option-click of the green button in the window title bar. But the workflow stored my account password in clear text. Given the relative ease on how the Zoom button worked, using Automator was a nice educational exercise. Storing passwords in clear text in a script was a non-starter for me even if it was for a VM login.