Here is the script that I wrote and use once Mac OS X Lion is installed in a Virtual Machine while running with VMware Fusion 3.1.3 under Mac OS X Lion while being done so in accordance with the Mac OS X Lion SLA.
Using the appropriate methods for items in "/Library/StartupItems" I have a folder named AllowVirtualLionClient and in that folder I have a shell scrip (shown below) named AllowVirtualLionClient along with its appropriate StartupParameters.plist file and this handles the current shortcoming with the lack of officially supporting Mac OS X Lion in a Virtual Machine with VMware Fusion 3.1.3 when running under Mac OS X Lion while being done so in accordance with the Mac OS X Lion SLA.
AllowVirtualLionClient Shell Script
. /etc/rc.common
StartService ()
ISSVP=`cat $SVP | wc -c`
if [ "$ISSVP" -eq "0" ]; then
rm $SVP
StopService ()
if [ ! -e $SVP ]; then
touch $SVP
chmod 444 $SVP
Description = "AllowVirtualLionClient";
Provides = ("Allows Virtualization of Mac OS X Lion in VMware Fusion 3.1.3");
Note: While this currently works with the latest GA release of VMware Fusion 3.1.3 it is not intended for use with anything else and may not work with VMware Fusion 3.1.4 if/when VMware releases another VMware Fusion 3.x release.