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  • 1.  VMWare Fusion (xp home), iMacs and Time Capsule networking

    Posted Jul 27, 2011 05:53 PM

    Hello all

    I have two iMacs and two VMWare XP home machines that were working fine, and they were all connected wirelessly to a Westell Router (all four machines - 2 imacs and 2 VMware xp Home machines).

    Last night I installed a Time Capsule router onto the network, and Verizon walked me through bridging the Westell Router and the Time Capsule.  Ok so far so good.  Then I created a new wireless network, and all four machines can connect to it and access the internet.  The only thing that doesn't work anymore is the two Virtual XP machines cannot communicate with each other, which is very imporant as part of my configuration.

    Currently the virtual machine Network Adapter is set to use the Airport of the iMac machine, which is fine I can get to the internet on both virtual XP machines.  Is theresomething I missed here?

    What should be the network adapter settings on the Virtual Machines?  Right now it's set to "get automatically" - and it's using the IP address of the iMac in both instances.  I tried just about everything but I cannot seem to get the two Virtual XP machines to see each other.  All machines are using the "workgroup".

    Any suggestions?

    thanks in advance


  • 2.  RE: VMWare Fusion (xp home), iMacs and Time Capsule networking

    Posted Jul 28, 2011 02:13 AM

    What is your VM network settings?

    NAT or Bridged?

    Can you paste your IP address here for both host and guest here?

    Host: run ifconfig in terminal.

    guest: run ipconfig in cmd.

  • 3.  RE: VMWare Fusion (xp home), iMacs and Time Capsule networking

    Posted Jul 28, 2011 02:36 AM

    If the Virtual Machine's Network is configured as NAT switch it to Bridged otherwise need to see the full output of ifconfig on the Host(s) and ipconfig /all on the Guest(s).

    On the Host(s) in a Terminal... (/Accessories/Utilities/)

    Copy & paste the following commands, as is, and press Enter...

    ifconfig > ~/Desktop/host_ifconfig.txt

    This will create a file on the Host's Desktop named host_ifconfig.txt

    On the Guest(s) in a  in a Command Prompt... (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt)

    ipconfig /all > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\guest_ipconfig.txt"

    This will create a file on the Guest's Desktop named guest_ipconfig.txt

    Change the file name appropriately to reflect Host1/Guest1 and Host2/Guest2 and then archive (compress) the files unedited and attach to a reply post.

    Note: DO NOT copy and paste, dumping the full output of these command into the body of a reply, rather redirect the output of these commands to a file as shown and then archive and attach the files in a single .zip archive file to a reply post.

  • 4.  RE: VMWare Fusion (xp home), iMacs and Time Capsule networking

    Posted Jul 28, 2011 02:43 AM

    Note: DO NOT copy and paste, dumping the full output of these command into the body of a reply, rather redirect the output of these commands to a file as shown and then archive and attach the files in a single .zip archive file to a reply post.

    You are right!! :smileyblush:

  • 5.  RE: VMWare Fusion (xp home), iMacs and Time Capsule networking

    Posted Jul 28, 2011 10:02 PM

    hello all

    I thought of something last night  - and one thing I did not do was restart the router and TC (which i did today).  Usually it's the simple things that are most overlooked, but that resolved the issue immediately.

    thanks for your assistance!