That is exactly what I'm doing with this forum. I'm under the assumption that this is a forum for discussion and I'm asking people what a good solution is. I did search Google and didn't find much for good OS X backup solutions besides superduper, and that only backs up entire volumes, not individual directories.
Yes this is a Fusion discussion forum however the point I'm trying to make is User Data Management and or Backup Solutions are not any different in the case of using Fusion and the same methodologies apply under the specific Host/Guest OSes and as such you'd probably find more information about User Data Management and or Backup Solutions in Forums specific to the OSes involved as this really isn't a Fusion issue in that context.
I'm not saying don't ask and actually if you'd search the Forum you see this has been covered before and I'm just saying you'd find a lot more information about User Data Management and or Backup Solutions under OS X and or Windows in Forums centric to the OSes then you're going to find here.
From the Host's perspective a Virtual Machine is nothing more then disk files and you can backup the entire Virtual Machine by simply copying it and has nothing to do with Fusion beyond shutting down the Virtual Machine and closing Fusion.
From the Guest's perspective it is no different then if it were a Physical Machine and therefore has nothing to do with Fusion beyond running the Virtual Machine so you have access to the User Data that resides in the Virtual Machine and preforming whatever User Data Management methodology you care to employ that you would do on a Physical Machine.
As far as SuperDuper! is concerned it can backup the whatever you configure it for. In other words you do not need to use the default scripts which would be All Files or just User Files or the other default available as you can create custom scripts to do what you want.