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  • 1.  File Sharing prevents AutoCAD from opening--Fusion3

    Posted Feb 08, 2010 05:56 PM

    I am running a Windows 7 VM on Fusion 3.0.1. AutoCAD, the primary reason why I have Fusion, gets hung up in the process of opening and never loads.

    I discovered that when I turned file sharing off, the problem disappears completely. This is a non-solution however because I want to keep all of my files in the OS X. Experimenting with the File Sharing settings, I discovered that if I uncheck all the mirrored folders, AutoCAD does load, but it cannot open any files located in the shared folder, the Documents folder in the OS X. The error message says something to the effect of the file cannot be found.

    Does anyone know what might be going on?


    MBP OS X 10.6

    2.53 GHz

    320 Gb

    4 Gb RAM

    Fusion 3.0.1

    Windows 7

  • 2.  RE: File Sharing prevents AutoCAD from opening--Fusion3

    Posted Feb 08, 2010 06:27 PM

    Instead of using VMware Shared Folders and or Mirrored Folders features have you tried using a standard SMB/CIFS Share between OS X and Windows 7 to see if that would work or have any issues?

  • 3.  RE: File Sharing prevents AutoCAD from opening--Fusion3

    Posted Feb 09, 2010 07:22 AM


    Thanks for your response. I have not tried what you suggest, but I do not know what a SMB/CIFS share is. Could you elaborate?

    And, do you have any idea why AutoCAD might not open while file sharing is turned on? Could it be a 64-bit compatibility issue? The Windows 7 that I am running is 64-bit. Someone told me that my Mac is also 64-bit (and that Windows 64-bit could not have been loaded if it wasn't), but I don't know for sure. I have a Macbook Pro purchased about 1 year ago.


    edit: I've determined that my system is 64-bit so that isn't the issue.

  • 4.  RE: File Sharing prevents AutoCAD from opening--Fusion3

    Posted Feb 09, 2010 06:59 PM

    but I do not know what a SMB/CIFS share is.

    It is the standard built-in file sharing in OS X and Windows. You can share your Home Folder or whichever from System Preferences > Sharing and the access it from within Windows.



    If the Host and the Guest are properly configured you should be able to access the Virtual Machine just as if it was another physical computer on the Network. You can access the Guest from the Host via Finder > Go > Connect to Server using the following conventions:




    Or if you're trying to get to the Host's Share from the Windows Virtual Machine, in Windows Explore Address Bar:




    Note that if your using NAT for the Virtual Machines Network use the IP Address for vmnet8 or if Host-Only use the IP Address for vmnet1 and if Bridged the use the IP Address of the active Network Adapter on the Mac.

    You cam also Map this to a Drive Letter in Windows however do not use Z as this will conflict with VMware Shared Folders is it on.