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  • 1.  VMWare Fusion Pre-Order - VAT Germany

    Posted Jun 24, 2007 08:02 PM

    I just ordered Fusion from Germany using credit card.

    The invoice comprises a VAT of $8.40. That would be 21% of $39.99.

    However, the VAT in Germany is only 19%. What are the additional 2% for?

  • 2.  RE: VMWare Fusion Pre-Order - VAT Germany

    Posted Jun 24, 2007 08:26 PM

    I just ordered Fusion from Germany using credit


    The invoice comprises a VAT of $8.40. That would be

    21% of $39.99.

    However, the VAT in Germany is only 19%. What are the

    additional 2% for?

    I don't know the answer to your question, but I will ask the customer service team for guidance when business resumes on Monday.

    I will let you know as soon as I hear back from them.


    Pat Lee

    Senior Product Manager - Mac Products


  • 3.  RE: VMWare Fusion Pre-Order - VAT Germany

    Posted Jun 24, 2007 11:39 PM

    I'd guess it's based on all the European sales going through one 'office' which is located in Belgium or Ireland. At least it wasn't Denmark, Norway or Sweden or it would be 25%.

    I find it quite confusing and unhelpful when companies end up adding VAT on to the prices that they quote, especially when it can be very difficult to find out the final cost until you are almost one click from sending payment.

    I was going to check for myself how much I would have to pay in total (expecting some VAT) but I didn't get far enough as it looked as though I could end up paying before I was quite ready (although I have been quite impressed by VMware Fusion so far). It didn't help that http://www.vmware.com/vmwarestore/storepolicy.html#salestax for the 'Sales Tax or VAT' link put me at http://www.vmware.com/vmwarestore/returns.html which was clearly not where I wanted to be.

  • 4.  RE: VMWare Fusion Pre-Order - VAT Germany

    Posted Jun 25, 2007 08:04 AM

    Yes, I agree it could be a little clearer.

    I pre-ordered over the weekend, based in the UK also and the VAT pretty much only appeared on the final payment. To be honest, I'm really impressed with Fusion and at the pre-order price it's a steal, but it would have been nicer to have the VAT made clearer a little sooner in the process.

    I do actually have a UK VAT number which I believe would have meant I wouldn't be charged the VAT, but as this was a personal purchase I didn't want to do so.

    Since the European sales appear to be sold from Ireland, and VAT is applied at the source country's rates and not the purchaser's country's rates, then it is going to be a known quantity right from the get-go.

    Otherwise, good product and good price!