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Vmware fusion 6 is roughest upgrade yet

  • 1.  Vmware fusion 6 is roughest upgrade yet

    Posted Sep 09, 2013 02:20 PM

    After install it would show the library screen, and instantly crash.  Searching the forums showed that you can get past this by finding and manually deleting a bad license file it had generated during the install.


    Starting up your bootcamp VM from the library tells you that you should drag your bootcamp VM to the trash and "run it again".  What they actually meant was you should right-click on it, choose delete, and then select "Add", "New Boot Camp...". to add it again. I was looking for a new procedure. Foolish me.


    Created new bootcamp VM.  Ran it. It instantly stole all the bluetooth peripherals (why is this the default?). Got to the login screen. Using the USB mouse, selected "USB & Bluetooth Settings". unchecked "Share bluetooth devices with windows". Default for this really should be off, so people with bluetooth keyboards, like myself, don't lose their keyboard.  Checking the box though gave me a beachball. And there it set for 10 minutes, beachballing.



    Ran again. Internal error.


    Ran again.

    Here's to hoping that running the VM is a better experience than getting it upgraded.