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  • 1.  Ok installed fusion and windows now how do I open quickbooks?

    Posted Apr 21, 2010 02:37 PM

    Help, I just got my mac and need to run quickbooks. I installed fusion 3 and then installed windows XP now how do I load quickbooks?

  • 2.  RE: Ok installed fusion and windows now how do I open quickbooks?

    Posted Apr 21, 2010 06:12 PM

    Does not quickbooks come with directions for installing on windows?

  • 3.  RE: Ok installed fusion and windows now how do I open quickbooks?

    Posted Apr 21, 2010 07:51 PM

    Basically you install it the same way you would on a physical machine running Windows... Insert the CD and if it doesn't start the setup automatically then go into My Computer and double-click on the CD/DVD and then double-click the setup.exe. This of course assume that the CD/DVD is connected in the Virtual Machine's Settings.

  • 4.  RE: Ok installed fusion and windows now how do I open quickbooks?

    Posted Apr 21, 2010 07:58 PM

    Thanks everyone,

    I had to troubleshoot a bunch of things, but now it's printing. Not sure exactly what I did. Thank goodness for online troubleshooting thru fusion