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  • 1.  HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 02, 2008 07:59 PM

    I installed the Trial Version of Fusion three days ago - 1.1.1. Build 72241 on my MacBook Pro in Tiger. Installed Windows XP disc as the guest. Installed a Hasp Key Driver from Alladin and dongle into my USP port and program for Color Matters/Fashion Toolbox CAD, also VM Tools------no problem. Everything worked fine (after a year trying to make it work w/ Parallels). The next time I turned on Windows and launched Color Matters, I got "Illegal Hasp Key, Color Matters will shut down now" message. The same message I always got from Parallels.

    I tried everything I could think of, even uninstalled everything including Windows. Reinstalled last night and Fashion Toolbox worked fine, until I shut down. Even shut down in Snap Shot mode. Can't seem to get either VMware Fusion or Windows to recognize the Hasp Key in the USB port and not sure where the root of the problem is from. However, in VMware pull down, under Virtual Machine Settings, the 2.17 Alladin Hasp Key is shown. I ran a Hasp Key Diagnostic tool today in Windows and says that a "Hasp Key HL can not be found".

    I have the same program installed in a Windows Partition, that was set up when I first bought my Mac Book Pro. The same Color Matters/ Fashion Toolbox software and Hasp Key works fine in that OS. The Device Drivers are recognized and when I remove the dongle from the USB port, a little noise is made and an alert that a device has been removed. When I do the same thing is Windows using Fusion, it doesn't seem to recognize the dongle at all, although it is illuminated. I hate going back and forth between operating systems when I need to use my Windows OS only CAD program. From everything I have been reading, seems like I shouldn't have a problem using VMware but I do.

    Any help at all would be appreciated.

    Message was edited by: K Mac

  • 2.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 12, 2008 12:27 PM

    Hello K Mac,

    Could you please check that USB auto connect is enable in Virtual machine

    Settings, also please make sure that you are connecting the USB dongle to

    Virtual machine directly or attach the USB device when Virtual machine is in


    Check USB dongle is working in VM

  • 3.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 12, 2008 12:44 PM

    Yes. Auto connect is enabled and I've done everything else correctly.

    K Mac

    Kara Schwartz c/o iPhone


    Office 914 242-3233

    Cell 917 375-4378

    On Feb 12, 2008, at 7:28 AM, MandarMS <communities-emailer@vmware.com

  • 4.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 12, 2008 06:37 PM

    Try by following the steps given below

    1) Attach USB device to Host

    2) Open System Profiler

    3) Go to USB  For Ex: (USB Dongle) Note down Product ID and Vendor ID for USB Dongle device. Power off Virtual Machine

    4) Go to "/Users/Your users name/Documents/Virtual Machines/Windows XP.vmwarevm" Right click on Windows XP.vmwarevm and select Show Package

    a) Open .vmx file in a text editor

    b) Add the following line to configuration file which is opened in the text editor

    c) Search for the parameter usb.autoConnect.device1 = "" in .vmx file

    5) Enter the product ID and vendor ID within Quotes (e.g. usb.autoConnect.device1 =

    "0x8503: 0x8503")

    6) Ensure if the parameter in .vmx file has the following entry

    usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"

    7) Add a new parameter usb.generic.allowHID = "TRUE" in .vmx file

    8) Save the configuration file and Power On/Start VM

  • 5.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 12, 2008 08:26 PM


    I did what you suggested but there are a few glitches. See my inserts

    in red:

    a) Open .vmx file in a text editor -OK

    b) Add the following line to configuration file which is opened in

    the text editor- I can not find Configuration File. The closest is

    Config.version="8" (on line 1)--More detail please.

    c) Search for the parameter usb.autoConnect.device1 = "" in .vmx

    file--there is no parameter labeled usb.autoConnect.device1 When I

    added it manually and then added the Product and Vendor ID numbers

    I got an "Error on Line 61" message when

    I tried to open the VM. What line is this supposed to be on/ go on??

    5) Enter the product ID and vendor ID within Quotes (e.g.

    usb.autoConnect.device1 =

    "0x8503: 0x8503")

    6) Ensure if the parameter in .vmx file has the following entry

    usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE" it does

    7) Add a new parameter usb.generic.allowHID = "TRUE" in .vmx

    file I added to line 63 and didn't get an error message about it

    8) Save the configuration file and Power On/Start VM I'll need

    more details based on the above and will try again upon receipt

    Look forward to hearing back from you. I have added my .vmx file

    below if you'd like to check it out

    K Mac

    config.version = "8"

    virtualHW.version = "6"

    scsi0.present = "TRUE"

    memsize = "512"

    MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"

    scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"

    scsi0:0.fileName = "Windows XP Professional-000002.vmdk"

    ide1:0.present = "TRUE"

    ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE"

    ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"

    floppy0.fileType = "file"

    floppy0.fileName = ""

    floppy0.clientDevice = "FALSE"

    ethernet0.present = "TRUE"

    ethernet0.connectionType = "nat"

    ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE"

    usb.present = "TRUE"

    ehci.present = "TRUE"

    sound.present = "TRUE"

    sound.fileName = "-1"

    sound.autodetect = "TRUE"

    pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"

    buslogic.noDriver = "FALSE"

    displayName = "Windows XP Professional"

    guestOS = "winxppro"

    nvram = "Windows XP Professional.nvram"

    deploymentPlatform = "windows"

    virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"

    sharedFolder0.present = "TRUE"

    sharedFolder0.enabled = "TRUE"

    sharedFolder0.readAccess = "TRUE"

    sharedFolder0.writeAccess = "TRUE"

    sharedFolder0.hostPath = "/Users/karaschwartz"

    sharedFolder0.guestName = "karaschwartz On My Mac"

    sharedFolder0.expiration = "never"

    sharedFolder.maxNum = "1"

    RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "0"

    tools.upgrade.policy = "upgradeAtPowerCycle"

    powerType.powerOff = "soft"

    powerType.powerOn = "soft"

    powerType.suspend = "soft"

    powerType.reset = "soft"

    ethernet0.addressType = "generated"

    uuid.location = "56 4d bc 7e f7 65 da bf-f5 29 9e f5 87 f0 b4 57"

    uuid.bios = "56 4d bc 7e f7 65 da bf-f5 29 9e f5 87 f0 b4 57"

    scsi0:0.redo = ""

    pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17"

    scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "16"

    ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "32"

    sound.pciSlotNumber = "33"

    ehci.pciSlotNumber = "34"

    ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:f0:b4:57"

    ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

    floppy0.startConnected = "FALSE"

    floppy0.present = "FALSE"

    tools.syncTime = "FALSE"

    checkpoint.vmState.readOnly = "FALSE"

    checkpoint.vmState = ""

    usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"

    usb.generic.allowHID= "TRUE"

    ide1:0.startConnected = "TRUE"

    ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"

  • 6.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 12, 2008 11:58 PM
      |   view attached

    I got an "Error on Line 61" message when

    I tried to open the VM. What line is this supposed to be on/ go on??

    If you look at the file you pasted, line 61 is right before the usb.generic.autoconnect line. This is probably the Firefox/TextEdit (other combinations are probably also problematic) bug with inconsistent end-of-line characters - try deleting and retyping the newlines around there. Alternately, replace it with the attached version.


  • 7.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 13, 2008 01:55 AM

    Hi Etung,

    I didn't understand the "try deleting and retyping the newlines

    around there" but I copied your attached version of the .vmx file,

    pasted and saved but nothing miraculous happened. When I compared

    the .vmx file that I emailed you and the one you sent me, I could

    find no difference. Are you sure you sent the right one? Line 61 is

    blank and line 63 (usb.generic.allowHID="TRUE"), I had added earlier

    today as it was missing. Where does the

    "usb.autoConnect.device1="Prod ID:Vendor ID" parameter go? It is not

    on my .vmx file.

    When I go on Windows through the VM and connect or disconnect the

    dongle, there is no noise or pop up saying that I've "removed a

    device before shutting it down properly" (don't quote me) like I

    usually get on a PC. My dongle is illuminated but the VM/Windows

    still does not recognize it.

    K Mac

  • 8.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Jan 31, 2009 04:07 PM

    I've read this thread and some of the others regarding Aladdin Knowledge HASP problems. I installed VM Fusion 2.0.1 on an Intel Xeon Quad Mac in trial mode and it works great except that it won't recognize the Aladdin dongle (HASP 2.17) for a piece of software I use often. The dongle appears in the list of unconnected USB devices in the VM (Windows XP SP3) , but when I choose to connect it to the VM either in the Settings dialog or from the Windows Task Bar, the dongle LED blinks but doesn't connect.

    I've tried altering the .vmx file as described in this thread with no luck. I've also tried removing the pl2302 kernal extension on the Mac side with no luck.

    Does anyone have any other thoughts or ideas?

    Thanks very much!

    Ed Cundy

  • 9.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 01, 2009 12:03 AM

    I found the cause of the problem.

    I have a dongle which is read by another application on the Mac side. Using the Aladdin HL key software, I uninstalled the software on the Mac side. Once this was done, Leopard no longer recognizes the HASP dongle so that it can be captured by the virtual machine. Unfortunately, it means I can't use the Mac app and the Windows app simultaneously. I plan to keep looking for a "cleaner" method than constant installs and uninstalls.


  • 10.  RE: HELP-USB Hasp Worked at Install/ Not Recognized Anymore

    Posted Feb 27, 2009 06:20 AM

    Thanks norightturn for your post. This solved much the same problem I was having with a USB HASP dongle for a piece of Windows software - now I run this Windows only software in the VM. Rob R